[sci.virtual-worlds] Cyberthon Impressions

cyberoid@milton.u.washington.edu (Robert Jacobson) (10/27/90)

[The following excerpts can only give the flavor, not the full taste,
of the manifold ingredients of the Cyberthon.  Sponsored by the
Whole Earth Institute in the soundstages of (Colossal) Pictures, in
San Francisco, Cyberthon featured 24 hours straight immersion in
cyberspace thinking.  Limousines chauffered a lucky few down to
Redwood City to see VPL's system in action.  But the roster of
speakers and the agenda of events was entrancing without going
anywhere except into The Maze of Applications.  What a metaphor....
[These excerpts are reposted with the authors' permission. -- Bob
Jacobson, Moderator]
From The WELL Computer Conferencing System
Topic  41:  Presenting CYBERTHON
#108: Greta C. Bickford (gcb)      Tue, Oct  9, '90  (18:56)      50 
 Got there about 9 am Saturday.  Little sleep the night before.  
Promptly went to the Build-A-World space and started trying to set 
things up.
 Spent most of the next 24 hours immersed in VR and surrounded by 
Macs running Swivel 3D.
 Most of you know what that is...for those who don't and who didn't 
get a chance to come by our space, Swivel 3D is a first-class 3D 
modelling program for the Mac.
 Somewhere in there, like about 6 am, I did get about 1-1/2 hours of 
sleep.  However, I was still glassy-eyed (like most of us) and to some 
extent hallucinating due to lack of sleep (again, like most of us...). 
Somewhen between when I entered the maze and when I took a 
break, it got dark.  And somewhen it got light.  I didn't notice when, 
at all.
 About 3 am, a couple of guys from VPL came up and wandered 
around, and selected the three best pieces of Swivel 3D art created up 
until then to take back with them.  What none of us knew is that one 
of those pieces of art was created by another guy from VPL...who 
didn't identify himself as such until after they already had it on disk 
and going back tp VPL.
 Most of my volunteers who were there late at night and in the wee 
hours of the morning got to have their heads (and hands) in Sense8's 
VR world. Many thanks go to Eric Gullichsen for going out of his 
way to accomodate these hard-working volunteers in the lull periods, 
instead of taking a break himself.
 On the way back home, the light was marvellous.  3 pm in San 
Francisco, the sunlight on the buildings just right to show off their 
contours without hitting the windows and causing extreme glare. I 
saw them not as buildings, but as collections of polygons or Swivel 
3D objects; and I began to have new understandings about how things 
fit with one another and with the non-virtual world.  Of all that I 
took with me experientially from Cyberthon, that impression 
remains strongest in my mind's eye.
 People begin to get weird around 3 am when they haven't had any 
sleep.  People begin to get weird around 3 am when YOU haven't 
had any sleep.
 I'm still operating on a high from Cyberthon; this is going to stay 
with me for a while.  New insights, shattering old and conventional 
ways of looking at things, of communicating with each other, of 
being in the world, will keep you high for some time.
 The whole experience was really hard on me physically, and I 
would gladly do it all over again next week if I could.
#132: Eleanor Kent (ekent)      Sat, Oct 13, '90  (23:34)      10 lines
 Still thinking about Cyberthon , the people, systems, food, talk and 
ideas. I sneaked home to feed the dog and take a nap so I missed 
Leary, but he looked so fragile and burnt out. I still want to know 
when I can go into vr and make something...draw, cut out designs, 
knit( which is changing a line into a plane). It is very empowering to 
be able to draw or build when you are in a strange place...which is 
why the Apple game of moving boxes around was so much fun in the 
game room at cyberthon. Is anyone else interested in making in 
cyberspace?  maybe a new topic....anyway, cheers for another 
cyberthon in whatever format.
#115: Leslie Wilson (les)      Wed, Oct 10, '90  (17:40)      11 lines
 Monday night my dreams were so exciting/intense about vr stuff 
that they woke me up...I'd stay awake long enough to kind of go "Oh 
I'm still dreaming about it," and then drop off again.  Last night I 
dreamed about different shaped hands in vr and how to make a hand 
that was more particularly your own.  24-hours was great -- loved 
how everyone loosened up after midnight...had most of my great 
talks between 2 and 5 a.m.   Izumi Aizu spoke at the mic during the 
9 a.m. discussion.  He's from the Institute for Networking Design 
and gave neat insight as to how the Japanese don't have a word for 
"virtual."  Can we email him thru the WELL?  I hope I live for 
another 100 years to see vr become "real."  Or will it happen sooner?
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