[sci.virtual-worlds] Submission for sci-virtual-worlds

news@iuvax.cs.indiana.edu (USENET News System) (10/01/90)

Path: iuvax!maytag!watserv1!broehl
From: broehl@watserv1.waterloo.edu (Bernie Roehl)
Newsgroups: sci.virtual-worlds
Subject: Re: Who says what to whom (was Re: VR Protocols.)
Message-ID: <1990Oct1.143153.6960@watserv1.waterloo.edu>
Date: 1 Oct 90 14:31:53 GMT
References: <31304@unix.cis.pitt.edu> <7507@milton.u.washington.edu> <7801@milto
Organization: University of Waterloo
Lines: 17

In article <8204@milton.u.washington.edu> mike@x.co.uk (Mike Moore) writes:
>In my (humble) opinion, there isn't a need for every object to shout it's
>attributes at me when I enter a room.  An object is a passive item that is
>acted on

Agreed, provided we allow "acted on" to encompass "looked at".  That is, if
I tell an object I'm looking at it, it tells me what it looks like (unless
it's invisible).

The reason I was suggested such information be cached in the room server
is purely to reduce network traffic.

        Bernie Roehl, University of Waterloo Electrical Engineering Dept
        Mail: broehl@watserv1.waterloo.edu OR broehl@watserv1.UWaterloo.ca
        BangPath: {allegra,decvax,utzoo,clyde}!watmath!watserv1!broehl
        Voice:  (519) 885-1211 x 2607 [work]

news@iuvax.cs.indiana.edu (USENET News System) (10/29/90)

Path: iuvax!silver!kellehe
From: kellehe@silver.ucs.indiana.edu (Mike Kelleher)
Newsgroups: sci.virtual-worlds,comp.graphics,comp.simulation
Subject: Re: SIGGRAPH 91 Virtual Reality Gallery:  Entries Invited!
Message-ID: <68033@iuvax.cs.indiana.edu>
Date: 29 Oct 90 02:48:13 GMT
References: <9765@milton.u.washington.edu>
Sender: news@iuvax.cs.indiana.edu
Organization: Indiana University, Bloomington IN.
Lines: 45

The happenings at the SIGGRAPH meeting, are replated to my request. Several 
other Graphics personnel and I here at Indiana Univeristy are trying to 
compile a database of information on Virtual Environments and other related 
data. In accordance with Univeristy Computing Services here at Indiana, we
will take any information that is sent to us over the net, organize and 
catalogue the information and send out a completed packet to anyone who is
interested. Information on VR certainly can be found, but in order to get
a clearer idea of where VR is now and where it is going, data will have to be
gathered and recorded. Offical sources such as the Smithsonian in Washington,
DC and the Autodesk Corporation have pleged their support of this project and
will send (or have allready sent) us their available information.

        However, this database will not be complete until it is certain that
we have received as much information as possible on this subject. This database
is public, and therefore should be treated as such. Without all available
information, this database will not live up to it's full potential: to
bring all relevant information to all interested parties. It should also be
noted that this project, though University supported, is not University
organized, like many othe college research. This Database is replying solely
on the participants who will contribute and the dedication of the graphics
personnelhere at University Computing Services. Without outside public help,
it is too much for a financially unsupported, self-organized task.

        We would like to thank the people and sources that have helped us
so far in the effort, but we still need more support. Data and information
can be sent to us at these addresses at any time. Thank you.

Mike Kelleher
Univeristy Computing Services
VR Project 
|  ii                                   |                                   |_|
|  []    Michael Kelleher               |         Virtual Environment         |
| ====                                  |       Database Project, 1990        |
|  ||    University Computing Services  |       VR, Past Present & Future     |
|  ||    Neat-Oh Enterprises            |          Design and Research        |
|  ||    Kellehe@bronze.ucs.indiana.edu |       -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-     |
|  ||    Kellehe@silver.ucs.indiana.edu |     Public Database in cooperation  |
|  ||    Kellehe@ucs.indiana.edu        |   with University Computing Services|
|  \/                                   |                                     |