[sci.virtual-worlds] Progress in the Labs: Please Report

cyberoid@milton.u.washington.edu (Robert Jacobson) (11/05/90)

Many laboratories around the world are working on virtual worlds
technology.  Most of them use sci.virtual-worlds as a listening
post.  So far, we've heard only from UNC, the HIT Lab, and
various individuals at Autodesk and VPL regarding work in major
laboratories.  To read this conference, one might believe that
the most important work in virtual worlds is taking place in
garages.  (Maybe it is!)  

For this conference to work BEST, we need participation from
more of you who are currently in "lurk" or "surveillance" mode.
Please let us know what you're up to and, without revealing
proprietary information or plans, help us round out our under-
standing of the state of our art.  Thanks.
Bob Jacobson