[sci.virtual-worlds] Okay to post from here to WELL?

hlr@uunet.UU.NET (Howard Rheingold) (11/08/90)

Some of you may recognize my name as the co-founder and original
moderator of sci.virtual-worlds. I have not been posting a great deal,
mostly because I've been busy writing a book on the subject. However,
I do monitor this newsgroup. I also host a "conference" (equivalent to
a newsgroup) on the WELL (Whole Earth Lectronic Link) about the
subject of VR research. From time to time, I have posted to that
conference some tidbits of information I have found here that I know
would be useful to those who read the vr conference on the WELL but do
not read Usenet. For example, there are some folks who are eager for
any informational help they can get about building their own homebrew
VR gear, and some of the postings here about PowerGloves, etc., have
been useful to them.

Does anybody object to this practiced? If so, why?

My aim is to facilitate research and communication among researchers.
I never remove attributions. I always point people to the newsgroup or
ask them to communicate directly with the person who posted something
that interests them.

             [ ** MODERATOR'S SEAL OF APPROVAL ** ]