[sci.virtual-worlds] CHI '91 - Call for Student Volunteer Participation

stacey@ria.ccs.uwo.ca (Deb Stacey [SDE]) (11/08/90)

I am posting this for a friend - please respond to the addresses contained


                New Orleans, April 28 - May 2, 1991

CHI '91 is ACM SIGCHI's annual conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
It features papers, panels, posters, and previews of research in fields
such as Virtual Reality, Software Engineering, Computer Supported Cooperative
Work, Intelligent Interfaces, Information Retrieval and MultiMedia work.
Always an exciting conference, CHI provides an open environment for
meeting and interacting with a number of the foremost researchers in these

CHI '91 would like to extend a special invitation to students who would like
to actively participate in the day-to-day running of the conference.  Student
Volunteers are offered complimentary registration, reduced-rate hotel 
accommodation and many other benefits in return for their work at the 

As one Student Volunteer at CHI '90 put it, "Too many conferences develop an
environment that is intimidating to students.  The CHI conference  is always
receptive to students, and being a [Student Volunteer] is a sure way
to prevent 'Wallflower Disease'!".

For information about the Student Volunteer Program at CHI '91, please
             Leslie Daigle (leslie@snowhite.cis.uoguelph.ca) or
             Tammy TeWinkel (tammy@snowhite.cis.uoguelph.ca)
             Department of Computing and Info Science
             University of Guelph
             Guelph, Ontario, Canada
             N1G 2W1

We are looking for over 150 student volunteers, so please spread the word
to anyone who might be interested, or let us know if there are other newsgroups
with readers that might be interested in this announcement.
Deb Stacey, Systems Design Engineering, Univ of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ont, CANADA 
  CSNET  : stacey%watdcsu@waterloo.csnet                                     
  ARPA   : stacey%watdcsu%waterloo.csnet@csnet~relay.arpa                    
  USENET : utzoo!watmath!watdcsu!stacey