[sci.virtual-worlds] Visual Displays

dtroup@uunet.UU.NET (David C. Troup) (11/08/90)

In article <10767@milton.u.washington.edu> warren@debra.doc.ca (Warren Baird) wr
>  Would a system based around a large monitor not allow you
>basically the same effect?  Say with a three dimensional controlling
>device in one hand and a powerglove on the other, to control both
>movement and interaction with the environment.  You can generate a
>fairly good three dimensional image on a flat screen, although it isn't
>an encompassing as I assume a helmet image would be.

        Well, I like the idea of using LCD displays, since prolonged 
        exposure to CRT's and close range is bad for you. On of the nurses 
        where I'm working this semester has an LCD TV. Not that bad, 
        though the quality depends on your viewing angle (or that lack of
        change in your angle) this is no problem to us, where-as the displays
        will be slaved to your eyes (ie. helmet). (If your going to flame me
        on CRT radiation bullshine, save it, at the hospital, I see CRT and
        MRI effects on people every day). ANYWAY, I realy liked the LCD, and
        saw major VR applications with them.

        BTW- Would someone tell me what kind of sensor it is to tell head
        rotation? (ie. change in direction of looking?) and with the displays,
        people dont allways look straight ahead, we "look with our eyes" more
        than we think we do. The display would have to be able to cover a
        large field of view with the areas that we can look at with our eyes.
        does anyone want to figure this out? Im going to bed now, but maybee I
        work on it tomarrow at work. :-)

        ps. VR would have GREAT protential in the Medical Field. I wont go
        into it now, but think about it.  

David C. Troup is dtroup@carroll1.cc.edu|414.336.7467|414.433.3527|           |
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