[sci.virtual-worlds] Citations to Articles

sobiloff@acc.stolaf.edu (Chrome Cboy) (11/09/90)

Well, it's not a scientific paper, but for a nice introduction to general
concepts in VR the Whole Earth Review, Fall 1989 had an interview with
Jaron Lanier, one of the principles in VPL. The interview lies on pages

_______________________________________________________/ Chrome C'Boy \_________
| "...the primary feature that I have discovered in terms of the marketing     |
| product-development function is basically a hysterical aversion to           |
| innovation and a desire to play it safe by designing or creating that which  |
| has already been created. When you get into production, that's another       |
| matter. As Ted Nelson has so aptly said, everyone wants to be second. So,    |
| that's my maj
or tip. Do what everybody else won't do, especially when there  |