[sci.virtual-worlds] A long description of how to monitor head movement

a1174@mindlink.UUCP (Peter MacDougall) (11/26/90)

Perhaps I am entering this discussion a bit late, we just started to get
this group and I was away for a week.

One of the big questions seems to be how to translate the position of a
human body in real space into a construct in virtual space and then to
relay the orientation in virtual space back to the person in real space.

The human body contains several mechanisms to identify the position of
various body parts.  The information from these mechanisms is then
organized by the neurons of the brain (roughly equivalent to parallel
processors for the sake of this argument) and is translated into a
construct in the consciousness of the person (the consciousness being
equivalent to a virtual serial processor maintained by the parallel

Now these mechanisms are:

sight: horizon location, bifocal cues, focussing distance cues, and other
visual cues such as overlap, atmsopheric changes with distance etc...

vestibular: semi-circular canals for determination of rotational
acceleration, and the saccule and utricle for determination of
orientation of the head with respect to gravity (in the baby the head is
strictly oriented with respect to the body simply by muscle
proprioception as described below)

muscle:  there are sensory organs imbedded in the muscles which relay
back inforation on i) rate of stretch of the muscle ii) absolute length
of the muscle (stretched or not stretche)

tendon:  similar to the muscle, there are sensory organs in the tendon
which determine the absolute tension on the tendon and muscle.

skin sensory organs:  there are a variety of sensory endings located
in the skin to detect temperature, light touch, vibration, and tissue

Since this system seems to work so well, it probably is a good place to
start in terms of modelling mechanical means of identifying position and
rate of change of movement of the body in real space.

I suppose this is obvious and the question is HOW to do it.  Physiology
text-books are good for describing the mechanism of how the body does it:
ie: how the body converts the the rate of change of length of a muscle
into varying frequencies of impulses in a neuron.

In a most general sense, one could start a virtual reality simulation
with the person in a pre-specified stance, such as at attention, and
using this original position, each identified change in position could be
added on to the previous position to identify the current position. The
change in position could possibly be identified by the change in lenght
of a series of thin wires stretched in pairs on opposite sides of each
major joint.

Take for example the elbow, a simple hinge joint:
one wire stretches across the inside of the joint, much like the biceps
does, another stretches across the back of the joint, like the triceps
does.  The length of the "biceps" wire in relation to the "triceps wire
will identify the angle of the joint.  For ball and socket joints, there
would have to be two pairs of wires, one pair for each axis.

For modelling head position, one could do as the baby does and simply
monitor the head position in relation to the torso via the stretch of the
neck muscles.  The spine could simply be modelled as a ball and socket
joint with two pairs of wires, one pair in the x-axis one in the y-axis.
One wire would stretch between the occiput (back of head) and the spine,
its mate from the chin to the sternum (centre of chest).  The other pair
would stretch from the mastoid (just behind the ear) to the acromion
(shoulder) on each side.

Now for ROTATION, all 4 wires would be stretched, but the normal
relationship between each pair of wires would be different than for
simple movement in the x and y planes such as with touching your chin to
your chest or touching your ear to your shoulder.  In planar movements,
the relationship between the each wire in the pair is inverse; one
stretches, the other relaxes.  In rotation, this simple inverse
relationship would be constantly changing: the amount of stretch of one
wire would not remain in a constant inverse proportion to its mate.  So
it would be possible to identify rotation.

A simple mercury switch located on the forehead and orientated left to
right could be used to identify if the rotation of the front of the face
was to the left or the right.

If the wires were marked with light and dark alternating patches, an
optical device could even measure the rate of stretch of the wire much
like a desktop mouse's speed is measured.

This is very long and I am not sure I have not lost myself or missed
something obvious.  However it is another idea for getting around the
mess of identifying head orientation. Pity it isn't elegant.

Peter MacDougall.

contact me at  Peter_MacDougall@Mindlink.uucp