[sci.virtual-worlds] notes on accelerometers

MWELLS@falcon.aamrl.wpafb.af.mil (Maxwell Wells) (11/29/90)

        Notes on using accelerometers to measure head position.

There are two types of accelerometer which may be useful for measuring head 
movement: electro-mechanical and electro-resistive.  Electro-mechanical 
accelerometers work by supporting a mass on top of a piece of piezo electric 
material.  Accelerations produce changes in force on the pe material and hence 
changes in the piezo electric voltage.  Electro-resistive accelerometers work 
by suspending a mass on the end of a beam, upon which is adhered a strain 
gauge.  Acceleration causes bending of the beam and changes in the resistance 
of the strain gauge.  

For translational acceleration (x,y,z axes) either type of accelerometer will 
work.  Rotational acceleration can be transduced by using two translational 
accelerometers mounted so that their sensitive axes are orthogonal to the axis 
about which you wish to measure (eg accelerometers with their sensitive axes 
in the z axis (up and down) can be used to measure rotational acceleration 
about the y axis (pitch)).  

Initial consideration may lead you to think that a minimum of 6 translational 
accelerometers could be used to transduce 6 axes of motion (x,y,z and roll, 
pitch, yaw).  But you would be wrong.  For reasons too complicated to go into 
here (ok, I admit I don't understand it), you actually need 9 accelerometers.

Piezo-resistive accelerometers are cheaper, smaller and more tolerant of abuse 
than piezo-electric accelerometers.  However, piezo-electric accelerometers can 
measure down to d.c., which is useful for calibration against the 1g force of 
earth's gravity.  Rotational accelerometers exist, but they are fragile, 
expensive and hard to calibrate. 

Having transduced acceleration, double integration will provide displacement, 
but, as has been noted on the net, with drift.  Correction of drift could be 
done by some of the methods suggested by other contributors (photographic, 
optical etc) or by using a polhemus system.  This latter course is something 
we have been considering as a method of increasing the update rate of head 
position ie double integrated head acceleration for speedy transduction of 
displacement, and constant polhemus updates for accuracy.

I am not aware of any solid state (optical) gyroscopes that are small and 
light enough to be mounted on the head.  There are some of the spinning wheel 
variety, which are fairly small (but much larger than accelerometers), but the 
wearer would have to put up with the inconvenience of 3 spinning, humming 
masses on his/her head.  Also, gyroscopes do not completely eliminate the 
drift problem.  They transduce velocity, which must be integrated to 

There are a number of papers published which describe the use of 
accelerometers for measuring head motion.  I worked in the area a few years 
ago on a project for reducing the effects of vibration on performance with 
helmet-mounted displays.  There are people who are currently using them for 
measuring head motion various vehicles.  For more information, contact me, or 
write to: Human Factors Research Unit, Institute of Sound and Vibration 
Research, The University, Southampton, England SO9 5NH,
Tel 011 44 703 595000 ext 2277

Max Wells