[sci.virtual-worlds] Virtual OS?

DEB110@PSUVM.PSU.EDU (Doug Bischoff) (11/30/90)

     Been away from this group far too long.  Now that I finally have my own
machine, I am ready to start putting some ideas into code.  (Now, where'd that
C manual go.....)

     I know this thread went around about 5 or 6 months ago, so if it has been
solved already, if some kind soul could please remind me/send me an archive
or something I'd appreciate it.  Otherwise...

     With all the craze nowadays about the GUI (Graphical User Interface), is
it not a logica extention to create a virtual Operating System?  Something with
the ease of a graphical environment and the power of a command line?

     To start with, adapting current platforms to make better use of the tools
they already have (albeit very limited).
     For example, Sound:
       Several machines available now have good to excellent sound processing
       capabilities built in.  (Amiga, NeXT, Mac)  Given, a constant bombardmen
       by audio cues (key clicks, opening window noises, etc.) would get very
       annoying.  But say there was a better way to indicate some system status
       or task results that would be able to define itself using sound, or even
       (Amiga, NeXT(?)) speech.

     Screen VR:
       Limited, obviously.  Anything that is sitting in a little square in
       front of you is going to be next-to-unusable as a substitute for any
       kind of reality.  But couldn't it be combined with the audio to provide
       a more intuitive interface?

     These are just ideas, and I'm not sure where they might go.  Any comments
or feedback is very welcome.  Thanks!

| -Doug  Bischoff- |    *** ***    ====--\         | "It's so neat to |
| -DEB110 @ PSUVM- |   *  ***  *     ==|<>\___     | see an AMIGA say |
| -The Black Ring- |    *** ***        |______\    |   "Welcome to    |
| --- "Wheels" --- |      ***           O   O      |   Macintosh""    |
| Corwyn Blakwolfe |     T.R.I.     -------------  | ---- AMIGA ----  |