[sci.virtual-worlds] Gyroscopes

fmgst@unix.cis.pitt.edu (Filip Gieszczykiewicz) (11/30/90)

        Greetings. What I can't understand is why such a big fuss
        about the weight of gyroscopes. After all, one needs to
        balance out the optics and LCD screens that hinge on the 
        front of the helmet - why not do so with one of the
        small-surplus-accurate-cheap gyroscopes. FOR NOW...

        I have seen some small ones go for as little as $19.00
        on flea markets and in surplus stores. True, one needs
        odd frequencies like 400Hz @ 24 VAC for the motor but that
        should not limit anyone. Also, those units have accuracies
        of seconds. Not only that, they come in different versions.
        Some detect the rate of climb while others are designed
        to detect wing roll. I plan to get one just for the hell
        of it and also to see if the above is possible.

        Another thing. How about detecting the tilt of the head
        with an "ancient" water-level? You know, 4 tubes filled
        water (or hydraulic fluid - does not evaporate) and just
        see by how much the level (or pressure - if one attaches
        a pressure transducer to the other end) changes...
        True, might not work for very quick changes in direction
        with possible "bouncing" up and down before the level
        settles but it's a "poor man's" detector. No fancy
        super computer required ;-)

        Take care.
"The Force will be with you, always." It _is_ with me and has been for 10 years
Filip Gieszczykiewicz  "... a Jedi does it with a mind trick... " ;-)
FMGST@PITTVMS  or  fmgst@unix.cis.pitt.edu "My ideas. ALL MINE!!"