[net.space] Mass launching from Earth

MCGRATH@OZ.AI.MIT.EDU ("Jim McGrath") (01/03/86)

>From: Bob English <lcc.bob@locus.ucla.edu>
>> From: FIRTH@tl-20b.arpa
>> Launch the two masses so that they meet at the point of intersection, one
>> inbound and one outbound (and they had both better be on their first orbits,
>> of course).  Let the masses be equal.  Then, they meet when traveling at
>> the same speed (but in different directions), and with the same energy.
>> Somehow, get then to join into one bigger mass.  The combined mass will
>> then be traveling in a new orbit...
> ...Most of the orbital energy will be lost in the collision between 
> the objects, and there won't be much left to keep them up there.  I
> suspect this is a dead end.

Maybe not.  This conversation has concentrated on having EQUAL masses
collide.  While that simplifies the math, it is by no means necessary.
I expect that you could have two UNEQUAL masses collide, with the
smaller one being just large enough to force the larger into a stable
orbit.  Of course, you may lose the smaller mass, but if the mass
ratios are large this will be an acceptable loss.  Numbers anyone?
