[sci.virtual-worlds] Seeing and hearing

danorman@UCSD.EDU (Donald A Norman-UCSD Cog Sci Dept) (12/04/90)

  Summary: I think it senseless to argue about which modality is most
  important.  There are real data that can decide the issue.  The conclusion
  is clear: every modality is essential if you want a complete experience.
  Every modality contributes an essential aspect of our experiential
  phenomena.  BUT, the human is clearly a visual animal, with about half the
  cortex devoted to visual processing.  Even so, this does not diminish the
  importance of the other sensory modalities.  


Some facts and some speculation about the various sensory modalities.

Although I am a fan of auditory phenomena, and although sound, touch, feel,
kinesthesis, and smell are essential ingredients to human life and each
contributes essential information and essential phenomena, the facts are
that the human is a visual animal.

Not only is the retina the most complex sensory receptor we have (huge
in terms of numbers of receptors and sophistication of its pre-processing)
and not only is the optic nerve the largest sensory fiber of information to
the brain, but a huge percentage of the brain is devoted to vision, much
more volume than to any of the other senses (hell, then to all the other
senses combined).   The data-flow rate in the optic nerves is measured in
tens or hundreds of megabits/second, and this is *after* considerable
preprocessing.  As one cognitive neuroscientist put it "over 50% of the
cortex in primates, probably including humans, consists of areas devoted to
specifically visual processing." (Sereno, 1990)

But any argument about the essential aspects of vision should not be used
to deny the importance of other modalities.

Sound gives much better temporal information than does vision.  Vision is
slow with resolution times measured in hundreds of milliseconds: we can
resolve arrival times of sounds with a 10 microsecond precision, yielding
good localization.  We are sensitive to tiny phase and amplitude deviances
caused by sound hitting the pinna (the funny ridges and creases people's
outer ears) so that we can detect distance and elevation of sounds with
remarkable accuracy.  And sounds tell us about the nature of substances,
so that we can detect roughly how big, how dense, and even the composition
of an object just by hearing the sound made by something else hitting it
(tap a plate, a glass, the table, a door, a piece of metal -- and we can
distinguish each by the sound alone).

My favorite paper about the importance of sound is Bill Gaver's study
of "naturalistic sound."  (Gaver, 1986, 1988).  And sound conveys low-level
emotion better than other media.  We seem to have special mechanism for

Sound timbre is where the information is carried, and this is the least-well
understood aspect of sound.

Smell and taste are less studied, but years ago von Bekesy showed that we
can actually localize smells -- tell from what direction a smell was coming
by tiny differences in arrival times at the two nostrils.  We may have lost
the art of using this information, but clearly other animals make heavy
use of smell localization.

And what about the other senses: touch and feel, temperature, body
position (limbs and head).  Mess up on these and the person can feel ill:
simulator sickness (virtual reality sickness?) -- a variant of sea-sickness
when vision gives one message and proprioceptive detectors give conflicting
messages.   If you are not careful, your viewers will throw up all over
your nice new display screen. 

Note too that basically each sensory receptor is about as sensitive as is
possible.   In hearing, we can detect Brownian motion -- the amplitude
displacement of the eardrum that is audible is less than the diameter of a
hydrogen molecule.  In vision, we can detect one or two photons.  In smell
and taste, single molecules.  And the range is enormous -- a 120 dB range in
both audition and vision, which means the light and sound that is painful
or just starting to do damage is 10 ^12 times more intense than the amount
just dectectable.  No human-made  instrument has that range.

This also means that tiny artifacts in your displays and sound-producing
apparatus will be detected and give continual low-level reminders that this
is a simulation, not real.

In terms of science, we know the most about vision, followed closely by
audition.  We know little of the other senses.

And we know almost nothing of perception -- how the visual and auditory
information is translated into percepts, which includes pattern

The relevant sciences are in psychology and, more precisely, psychophysics.
If you really want to simulate virtual realities, you need to know sensory
psychology, not just just think about it.  There are a lot of surprises
about the way the sensory systems really work.  its not quite like you
might have thought.

When you start talking about enhancing or changing human perceptions, then
technology alone won't do it -- you had better learn about the person --
which means you've got to learn psychology and/or cognitive science.

  Aside: I neglected to discuss motor output: speech, sound, movement of the
  limbs.  Another much-neglected topic.  Note that we should not talk about
  the sensory systems, we should only talk about the sensori-motor systems.
  We are a feedback, closed loop, servo system, and the relationship between
  motor action and perception is essential for our phenomenal experience
  with the world.  But I leave that for another message, although it probably
  requires a book.

don norman

Gaver, W. (1986). Auditory icons: Using sound in computer interfaces.
Human Computer Interaction, 2, 167-177. 

Gaver, W.  (1988).  Everyday listening and auditory icons.  Unpublished PhD
dissertation, University of California, San Diego

Sereno, M. (1990, August). Language and the primate brain. Newsletter for
the Center for Research on Language, 4 (4), pp. 3-12.

Don Norman                                     INTERNET:  dnorman@ucsd.edu
Department of Cognitive Science 0515           BITNET:    dnorman@ucsd
University of California, San Diego            AppleLink: dnorman
La Jolla, California 92093 USA                 FAX:       (619) 534-1128