[sci.virtual-worlds] BIBLIOGRAPHY: New Directory and Additions

cyberoid@milton.u.washington.edu (Robert Jacobson) (12/04/90)

We have added another 25K to the bibliography regarding virtual worlds.
The new files are    bibliography_additions1_11-90

The original bibliography, aptly enough, is entitled
These three files and the others to come are stashed in a new directory.
FTP milton.u.washington.edu and then cd to
Inside you will find the three bibliographies, which we will update
with further additions as you send to us your suggested entries.  (If
you post something with entries, please also post a second message to
meredith@blake.u.washington.edu with just the entries; that will get
them into the bib.)

Thanks.  Let me know if you succeed or have problems.

Bob Jacobson