[sci.virtual-worlds] VR representation of the network

frerichs@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu (David J Frerichs) (12/06/90)

recently, I was involved in a discussion of how best to represent the net
in a Virtual Reality interface.  I will share the concepts we came up with...

first, you start off with a base locational structure, like a grid, to define
"geographic locations" on the net.  It could be a sphere like the surface of
the Earth, but not necessarily.  Next you assign each server a location
(address) in relation to the reference structure.  Servers with in a common
group (University, Company, etc...) would be located in the same "geographic"
area.  This could easily be translated from telnet addresses for compatability
with current systems.
Once we have these things determined, we decide on how someone is going to
acess other machines on the net.  We could give each traveller an id based
on his home server, his specific user tag, and his current location on the net.
With this done, it becomes clear (yeah... tell us more) on how to transmit
visual, audio, etc... representations of the net to the traveller.  The
traveller will transmit his net id to all servers within a certain radius
of his "geographic" location and they in turn will send back how they look
to him according to his access to a particuar server, his distance, and
orientation.  This could remove alot of the visual processing responsibility
from the traveller and put it on the server(who most likely has more power to
spare.)  Another modification is if we put in the ability to "fly" through
the virtual sky over the net, the traveller would transmit his ID to a greater
radius of servers,... I'm sure more can be though of...

To me this seems to be a simple solution that can be used in a HIGH bandwith
net structure (ie fiber optic all the way around)...

Univ of IL, CU
Dept of CompEng