[sci.virtual-worlds] possible world-wide VR linkup at Siggraph '92 Art Show -- CFI

mg@munnari.oz.au (Mike Gigante) (12/07/90)

A C M   S I G G R A P H   9 2
Chicago July 26-31 1992


Call for Initial Expressions of Interest
Deadline 31 January 1991
Late submissions will be considered

ACM SIGGRAPH 92, the 19th International Conference on Computer Graphic
and Interactive Techniques, will be held July 26-31, 1992 in Chicago,
Illinois, USA.  In addition to continuing the tradition of selecting
and showing installations, two- and three-dimensional works and
interactive pieces, the SIGGRAPH 92 Art Show committee intends to
provide a forum for global, tele-interactive art, tentatively called
The Portal.

Works for the Portal may include but are not limited to:

        Image exchange
        Cooperative image creation and modification
        Tele-presence and virtual reality
        Multi-sensory art/data communications

The Portal:  A Description

The Portal is an artwork or number of artworks that will enable people
at locations around the globe to communicate and/or interact with each
other by means of computer software and telecommunications.  Work must
be accessible to a group audience: that is, cooperatively generated
images must be in a form that can be experienced groups at one or more
Portal sites.  For example, in the realm of virtual reality, a data-
helmet, data-glove, or data suit transmitter/actuator might be
adequate, but a similar receiver/actuator for a single person would
require some form of additional output to engage a group audience.

Request for Feasability Proposals

In order to realise this project, artists and art organisations around
the world are invited to collaborate in the development of its form
and content.

We currently have expressions of interest from many sites around the
world in addition to Chicago, including: Japan; Australia; Russia;
South America; and Europe.

For now, anything goes.  We encourage creative exploration of the
networking concept and are open to all possibilities.  Final
submissions must have a detailed technical specification and clear

At the Chicago site we are considering the use of high and/or low
speed data communications via satellite and network.  Video may also
be possible.  Not all these modes need to be used, and additional
modes may be added.  Technical feasibility and the proposals of the
artists, organisations and industries participating will shape the
final form.  Standards for video, two- and three-dimensional geometry,
raster images and other data are not set.  We need your help in
determining the exact formats that will provide the greatest

During the planning phase the 1992 Art Show committee will act as a
centre for the exchange of information and ideas concerning this
project.  Send inquiries, ideas, and tentative proposals for works to
the SIGGRAPH Art Show committee contacts before January 31 1991.

The preliminary proposal should include but is not limited to:

* mailing, phone and email addresses
* a description of the work or kind of participation envisioned
* issues that the work addresses
* technical requirements/suggestions; data interchange formats
  are especially desired
* space requirements
* temporal duration (you will be sharing the network with others)
* names and addresses of individuals who will participate
* a short description of previous relevant work by the
  principal contibutors
* resources available to complete the work:  industrial support/
  partners; grants; loans; gifts; technical specialists; ...
* suggestions for the extension/modification of this project

Tentative Schedule

January 31 1991 Deadline for preliminary expressions and proposals
February 1991   Creation of an international committee to review
                resources, identify industrial and government
Mar/Apr 1991    Evaluation of proposals and offers of support;
                assessment of feasibitlity
July/Aug 1991   Call for Final Proposals
November 1991   Deadline of Final Proposals
Nov/Dec 1991    Selection of proposals as they are received;
                notification of acceptance to participants
June 1992       Technical rehersals
July 26 1992    On-line at SIGGRAPH 92 and participating 
                international sites.

SIGGRAPH 92 Art Show Committee Contacts

Send Proposals to:

John Grimes
SIGGRAPH 92 Art Show Chair
Institute of Design, IIT Centre
Chicago IL 60616

For further details or to discuss your proposal:

John Grimes (Chicago)
Art Show Chair
phone:          312 567 3250
fax:            312 567 3357
bitnet:         idgrimes@iitvax
internet:       grimes@siggraph.org

Paul Brown (RMIT, Melbourne, Australia)
Art Show Member for On-Line Art
phone:          int+613 527 8698
email:          pbrown@siggraph.org, glurp@godzilla.cgl.rmit.oz.au