[sci.virtual-worlds] Last VSIG/DTM mailing!

chapin@sunrise.Stanford.EDU (Bill Chapin) (12/11/90)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  Stanford University Forum Reminder  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

ME 297 -- Design Theory and Methodology Forum on Virtual Space

sponsored by:

E-mail:  vsig-request@sunrise.stanford.edu for more information.

All members of the Stanford community, industry affiliates and
researchers in design and virtual space applications are invited.

Last forum (Wed., Dec. 12th, 7:30, Terman Auditorium):

    Randal Walser
      Cyberspace Project
      Autodesk Reseach Lab, Autodesk, Inc.

        "Cyberspace Trix:  Building Reliable Systems in
                   Creative Environments"


At Autodesk we are laying the foundation for a line of cyberspace
systems and tools.  C++ is fundamental to our approach because we
want our products to be reliable as well as adaptable.  With C++
features like strong typing and type safe linkage we can be certain
that programs plug the right values into the right holes and that the
resulting systems, at bottom, are solid.   C++ is often touted as a
language for building systems that are robust in the face of change.
Classes are like molds for black boxes that deliver the same func-
tionality across time and systems, so that new techniques and tech-
nologies can be applied as they are discovered -- and without break-
ing the systems into which they are incorporated.  Thus a system
still performs much as it did before modification, but in better or
more appropriate ways, and generally faster.

Unfortunately, what is good for reliability is often not so good for
creativity.  The aim of creativity is not to be secure, but to be
daring, even reckless.  By imposing a security-conscious, object-
oriented discipline on the programmer, we guarantee (as far as
possible) that programs will work, but make it harder for the
programmer to get to work.  C++ may pursuade us to think clearly, but
in doing so it also slows us down, with time-consuming compilations
and continual nit-picking.  It is hard to soar when a compiler
continually swats you to earth.  This is particularly irksome when
you are thinking clearly in the first place, and just want to cut

We may debate the true nature of cyberspace, but no one doubts its
potential as a medium for the creative mind.  Autodesk is developing
tools for spacemakers, to help them invent and profit from the
world's first cyberspaces; but to serve spacemakers well it is not
enough just to provide tools that do not break.  First and foremost,
the tools must promote and sustain creativity.

In the end we want both reliable systems AND creative environments.
Like many organizations in the software industry, the Autodesk
cyberspace project has made a basic commitment to object-orientation,
and to C++ in particular.  Given the overwhelming weight of opinion
in favor of C++, we would be hard pressed to replace it with an
alternative that promises both reliability and creativity.  With C++
here to stay, the question is:  how can we take greatest advantage of
C++, and somehow open it up at the same time, so that we can jam with
our reliable creations?

John Walker has provided the basis for one possible solution, in the
form of Atlas, the "Autodesk threaded language application system."
Atlas can be used to embed threaded code in C and C++ applications,
to open them up for direct access by other applications, even those
written in other languages.  With Atlas, cyberspace systems can be
made interactive and open, while remaining compatible with conven-
tional development techniques, especially those familiar to profes-
sional C programmers.  As a dividend, through techniques that Walker
demonstrated in ClassWar (an experimental extension to Atlas), Atlas
can also serve as a programmable, object-oriented bridge to AutoCAD.

Trix is an extension to Atlas, written in C++ and in Atlas itself,
that is designed to support rapid implementation of virtual objects
and cyberspaces.  Essentially Trix is an object-oriented, interactive
shell that extends out of and wraps tightly around a body of C++ code.

The premium in Trix is not on reliability but on free expression and
experimentation.  Trix is where you turn when you have an idea and
just want to try it out or see where it takes you.  With Trix, the
general programming strategy is to fluidly jam out solutions to
problems, and then to refine your quick and dirty solutions into
reliable, fast algorithms in C++.  Development is an alternating
cycle of forays into the unknown followed by retreats to secure
territory to make sense of what you learned.  First you break ground
with Trix, then you build permanent structures with C++, then you push
forward again with Trix, and so on.

Editorial Comments

Randal Walser was one of the founding members of Autodesk's Cyberspace
Research Project, initiated by the internal paper, "Through the
Looking Glass", by John Walker in September of 1988.  A truely
substantial effort in very short time, the project has produced some
powerful results using maximal ideas on minimal hardware.  Under
Walser's direction, the project has designed a second generation
software kernel, Cyberspace Trix, implementing the knowledge gained
in the first iteration.

The presentation will be accompanied with a live cyberspace
demonstration by Autodesk cybernaut Chris Allis.  Individual demos
may also be available for winners of drawings at the door.  As
special bonus, we may be honored with opening remarks by Myron
Krueger, "the father of Artificial Reality".

=======================  DT&M Forum Schedule  ========================

This concludes the Design Theory & Methodology Forum for this Fall.
The VSIGroup wishes to thank the Center for Design Research and
Prof. Larry Leifer for providing the initial academic forum to bring
researchers and developers of virtual space applications together.

The VSIGroup will begin monthly evening meetings in January to
continue to exhibit notable virtual space research and developments.
The evening forums will feature either two speakers seperated by
an informal refreshment break, or several demonstrations in a
fair type arrangement.  ::::The first date will be set shortly, with
Eric Gullichsen and Pat Gelband of Sense8 as one of the presenters.

Only those off-campus affiliates submitting the previously requested
information will remain on the mailing list from the DTM series.

+++++++++++++++++++++++  VSIG ANNOUNCEMENTS  +++++++++++++++++++++++

 >>> Word came from the Santa Cruz Cyberspace conference committee
     last week that the deadline for abstracts for the April 19th
     event has been extended until December 20th.  No other details
     seem to have changed.  If you need a copy of the Call for
     Abstracts, send an email to virtual@ucscc.ucsc.edu.

 >>> For those students attending the forum for credit, there will
     be 10 total official forum meetings (Intro, Levoy, Bolas,
     Fisher, Rosen, Panel, Pixar, Habitat, Levit, Autodesk), plus
     two optional makeup sessions.  For credit, one must attend or
     view videotape of 8 of these 12 opportunities, and sign the
     final attendance verification sheet.  The sheet will be
     available at the December 12th evening session, or in the M.E.
     Design Division office (Terman 551) during finals week.

 >>> For those coming from off-campus, wishing to find Terman
     Auditorium: exit I-280 at Alpine Road turning toward Palo Alto.
     Take a right at the first light onto Junipero Serra.  Turn
     left at the next light onto Campus Drive West. Turn right at
     the first stop sign onto Santa Teresa.  Terman Engineering
     Center will be across the intersection and to the left at
     next stop sign on Santa Teresa.  There is on-street parking and
     a parking garage at Panama St. and Via Ortega (two left turns
     from Santa Teresa).  The auditorium is on the first floor.