[sci.virtual-worlds] Educational VR - help wanted

mnb@waikato.ac.nz (12/12/90)

Hello there from way down under !

I was hoping that some of you people may be able to help me with
recommendations for simple existing educational virtual realities.

More specifically, I'm getting ideas together for an interactive science 
exhibition and as well as the usual "hand on" type displays am looking for some
more high tech computer displays.  For example, maybe a program in which a
person can adjust the aerodynamic profile of a car on screen and see how the 
drag coefficient varies.  The only requirements are that the systems should
demonstrate some basic scientific principle, be enjoyable and easily 
understood by children and adults, and be simple to use.

I have seen the Doomsday Book in action and was most impressed, and have also
played with a few Hypertext/Hypercard and Multimedia programs which could be
suitable.  The NeXt machine also offers a few interesting possibilities.
Anyway any ideas, advice or recommendations would be most helpful.  The exhibit
is opening in a year so there is plenty of time to develop ideas and maybe even
write some simple packages.  There is a $200,000 budget for 30-35 displays
so cost is not too much of a problem - provided we don't have to buy a complete
DataGlove system of course !!

Please e-mail and I will post a summary if there is any interest.

Thanks in advance,

Mark Billinghurst 

mnb@waikato.ac.nz | New Zealand : where sheep outnumber humans 20:1, scary huh!