[sci.virtual-worlds] Power Glove s/w request

jenkins@prcs3.decnet.philips.be (12/14/90)

May I submit the the following request for help with locating some PC-based 
software to drive a basic PowerGlove using an IBM-PC compatible.

I hope this submission is in order.

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Request for help locating/obtaining PC software for PowerGlove

I recently managed to obtain a Mattel PowerGlove as discussed within this
group on numerous occasions.  I have the Eglowstein article from the July
1990 BYTE.

I am having trouble obtaining a copy of the IBM-PC source for the program
PG.COM, as mentioned in the article.  

Could anyone help me locate/obtain a copy of this source?   


D. Jenkins
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Dean Jenkins

- D. Jenkins           ! jenkins@prcs3.decnet.philips.be                       -
-                      ! [Standard Disclaimers Apply]                          -