[sci.virtual-worlds] UK Virtual Reality System launch

robw@brb.isnet.inmos.co.uk (12/14/90)

Here is a copy of an article in the December 1990 issue of Design Engineering
I thought you all might be interested in.


What can be considered to be the worlds first universally affordable
*Virtual Reality* system is being launched at computer graphics '90.
  *Virtuality* developed by W INDUSTRIES, allows the userto live within a
world he or she has created. Look up, down, behind and to the side - objects
can be moved around and viewed from every possible angle, even from inside
looking out. For instance, it will enable a car designer to sit inside his
dream model before it is actually produced.

Two configurations are possible - the Virtuality SU, which is designed
for a person standing or moving in a scanned area and the Virtuality SD, a
high quality sit-down console where simulated vehicles are driven in a
virtual world.

The system comprises three key components: the user's main interface with the
virtual world or the *visette*. This head-worn visor system gives the wearer
complete freedom of movement, allowing the user to walk or look around. It
contains a stereoscopic viewing system and provides a four channel sound system
for vectored sound and a tracking sensor to continuously monitor the position
of the head, giving a correct view of the virtual world.  The visette also
posseses a configurable stereo field of between 90 and 120 degrees, depending
on binocular overlap.

A unique locking system, *Ergolok* enables visette to accomodate a wide range
of head geometry and sizes and it has a quick release mechanism providing
simple, safe removal.  A second overhead adjuster enables optimum viewing
positions and a comfortable fit, even for users wearing spectacles.

The second component of the virtual reality system is the multi-media
computer system *Expality*.  Fully networked and making use of a CD ROM,
it has been specifically designed for virtual reality applications and 
provides full multi-media output including sound, vision and motion 

Finally, the *Animette* simulation system, a software product developed by
W INDUSTRIES has been specifically designed for demanding simulation
applications which involve multi-media queueing and data-base load management.
The alternative world created through the system include high definition
colour graphics and a quadrophonic, digital sound system.


Sorry for posting the whole ad.  As with most ads it's pretty thin on hard
technical data but if anybody has any interest in the system I can Email
when I have the full details from W Industries.

   Rob W.

p.s If anybody want to contact the mfr direct
    W INDUSTRIES, Leicester UK.
    Tel +44 (533) 542127

Rob Wadsworth   Inmos Ltd Newport GWENT UK   | EMail:  robw@isnet.inmos.co.uk
    Tel +44 633 413443 ext 269               | --------------------------------
    Fax +44 633 412925                       | My own thoughts etc.............