[sci.virtual-worlds] VR directions of growth VI

williamb@milton.u.washington.edu (William Bricken) (12/15/90)

Virtual Reality:  Directions of Growth
    Notes from the SIGGRAPH '90 Panel 
    Copyright (C) 1990  All Rights Reserved by William Bricken

        William Bricken
        Human Interface Technology Laboratory
        University of Washington, FU-20
        Seattle, WA  98125


To give you an idea of what work and play will be like in VR, I'll
describe some of the tools we're designing at HITL:

        the wand
        the virtual body
        virtual home, virtual community
        concurrent inconsistent worlds
        autonomous entities
        concrete mathematics, experiential programming

The Wand is an evolution of the Mouse.  It is a simple physical device
with a wide diversity of uses, ideal characteristics for a tool.
Physically, the wand is a spatial position and orientation sensor on a
handheld stick.  In software, the Wand emanates a ray which can be
used for pointing at virtual objects.  Coupled with voice commands,
the Wand can be used to identify objects, to attach to and move
objects, to bring things closer or place them at a distance, to
indicate a direction for flying, to identify a location to teleport
to, to measure distance, as a pen for drawing, as a knife, as a
switch, as a spotlight.  Lots of functionality from a little hardware.

People achieve presence in VR by inhabiting a virtual body.  The
virtual body is a software toolkit for associating an arbitrary suite
of behavior transducers (such as wands, voice command systems,
headtracking, etc.) to a display of self in a virtual world.  What we
do physically is sensed and converted to virtual behavior.  Don't
think that the virtual body is necessarily in the shape of our
physical body; any object in VR can be inhabited.  If you are
controlling a physical robot, you may prefer your virtual body to be
the shape of that robot.  If you are navigating a data terrain, you
may prefer to have a virtual body shaped like a jeep or an airplane.
The virtual body can filter and map physical behavior onto superhuman
capacities.  One of the first things we did to figure out how a
virtual body might be used was to search the old comic books for super

The virtual home is an environment designed for personalized comfort,
for work and for play.  My virtual home will have a cozy chair, a
fireplace, some cats, and a cabinet full of virtual tools and toys,
essentially what I now have at (physical) home.  Physical reality is a
great starting model for virtual reality.  Take what we like and
delete what we don't.

Virtual homes will be customized, personalized environments.  The
virtual home extends to a virtual community.  People we work with are
not organized by some cryptic email address that is basically a
program to tell the network where to find them.  They are organized in
close proximity in space.  In a virtual community, friends have
virtual homes that are visible from our own virtual home.  They are
our neighbors.  We visit them by pointing to their home and saying
"jack me there".  Less frequent acquaintances may be down the road or
over the hill.  The idea is to organize virtual space to accommodate
to human culture.

One profound capability in VR is to maintain inconsistent views for
different participants, to intermix personal realities.  In physical
reality, mass has a way of being unarguable.  We quickly default to
assuming a consistent, objective reality that is communal to everyone.
Consistency is an assumption and is widely overgeneralized.  Each
person in physical reality, for example, has a viewpoint, each
viewpoint is necessarily in a different physical place, each
perspective provides different information about the inclusive
environment.  Every experience is unique.  We agree to suppress our
differences for massive objects, but the line is always fuzzy.  We
certainly tolerate differences within the domain of conversation.  How
we talk is an excellent example of concurrent inconsistent worlds.

In VR, communality can be negotiated rather than assumed.  In VR, the
color of my shirt can appear to be green to me, but blue to you.  So
long as we do not talk about or interact with the color of the shirt,
how it is rendered to each of us is irrelevant.  Carry this a bit
further: I can be sitting in my virtual home next to an empty chair.
You jack a duplicate of your virtual body into that chair.  From my
perspective, you are visiting me.  Now, from your perspective, you are
still sitting in your virtual home, in your customized environment.
You have an empty chair, and I jack a duplicate of my virtual body
into it.  We are now sitting in two totally different environments
while sharing a mutual conversation.  For me, you are in my home, for
you, I am in your home.  So long as the inconsistencies in our
environments are not items of contention or confusion, the differences
will not interfer with communication.  When they do interfer, the
explicit differences become subject to negotiated resolution.

But the pluralism of VR is much deeper.  It is possible to maintain
inconsistencies directly, without resolution, using a mathematical
technique called the imaginary boolean value.  We could choose to
represent the color of my shirt as ambiguous, as context dependent.
Both green and blue.  We can then discuss the color of the shirt as
being inconsistent, as information about which we simply do not see
eye to eye.  I bring up these ideas from an esoteric branch of
representation theory to illustrate a fundamental point.  VR is not
bounded by the assumptions of physical reality.  We can have whatever
we can formally specify.

The HITL architecture specifies that every object in VR, including
space itself, have processing and memory resources.  Entities are
objects with the capabilities of operating systems.  Every entity is a
system, every entity is a variant of the same system.  This means that
we can use the same editing, debugging, and interaction tools for
modifying each entity.  Entities are running a sense-process-act loop;
in artificial intelligence terms, each entity is an agent, an actor.
This means that VR is inhabited with artificial life.  Every entity is
capable of independent action, in response to environmental changes,
in response to internal memory or process changes, or in response to
changes in the rules, the disposition, specifying that entity's
internal processes.  Each entity is an expert system using
pattern-matching on its input to trigger disposition rules and
metarules which generate outputs to the context.  The environment
itself is just another entity, one that includes other entities within
it.  All cyberspace is Toontown.

We have been able to demonstrate that mathematics itself (in
particular logic, integers, and sets) can be expressed concretely,
using 3D arrangements of physical things, such as blocks on a table,
doors open or shut, rockwalls that respond to gravity, the things of
everyday life.  String-based symbolic representations of mathematical
concepts are typographically convenient, but tokens are not at all
essential to mathematical expression.  VR makes it convenient to
express abstract ideas using spatial configurations of familiar
objects.  One benefit of this approach is that we can build visual
programs, set them on a virtual table, and watch them work.  We can
experience programs as other entities rather than as dumps of text.
Bugs would manifest as structural anomalies, as visual irregularities.
Architectural design has a sensual, experiential semantics.  It is but
a quirk of typography that we have ignored the experiential semantics
of computational languages.  More fundamentally, experiential
computing unites our spatial and our symbolic cognitive skills,
permitting mathematical visualization, analytic gestalt, whole brain