[sci.virtual-worlds] VR & William Gibson

marcl@isc-br.isc-br.com (Marc Lewis) (12/23/90)

BTW -- I just read in an SF mag where William Gibson has signed (and
received a large advance) to write a new novel titled VIRTUAL LIGHT.  It
is reportedly a new story, not related to NEUROMANCER et al, and concerns
virtual reality, California at the turn of the century, and something
about (eastern?) Europe.

H. Marc Lewis                 |  Phone: (509) 927-5480
ISC-Bunker Ramo Corp.         |  e-mail: marcl@eagle.ISC-BR.COM
E. 22425 Appleway             |  or:  ...!uunet!isc-br!eagle!marcl
Liberty Lake, WA 99220-4008   |  "Nature bats last..."