[sci.virtual-worlds] New Archives of Past Postings, Newsgroup Librarian Appointed.

cyberoid@milton.u.washington.edu (Robert Jacobson) (12/23/90)

Thanks to the good work of Mark DeLoura at the University of Washington
Computing Services, postings from the first five months of this newsgroup's
existence are now available in the milton archives.  These are in 
addition to the postings from September and October 1990, already
archived.  (October, regrettably, is partially munged.  We are looking
for another set of postings from that month to replace it.  Please bear
with the difficulties.)
Months now available are February-July 1990, and September-October 1990.
We will be posting November 1990 shortly and December when it's completed.

To access these archives, ftp to    milton.u.washington.edu
Log in as ftp and, for a password, give your email address.
Then cd to the directory  /public/virtual-worlds/postings   , where
you'll see the posting files.  To withdraw a file, do a   GET <name>  .
To decode these files, use the instructions in README_to_decode, which
you should also get.

Thanks to Mark, we now have the beginnings of a decent library and
I am appointing him sci.v-w Librarian.  If you have more ideas or
comments about the library (Dean Johnson of Cray has some good work
in progress), send them to me and cc: a copy to Mark (madsax@milton.
u.washington.edu).  We'll both appreciate it, and so will the other

Bob Jacobson