[sci.virtual-worlds] Neural Interfacing?

sasp@venus.lerc.nasa.gov (James Fincannon) (12/29/90)

I came across an interesting article that struck me as being
applicable to virtual reality implementation.  The article
[Biological Function as Influenced by Low-Power Modulated
RF Energy, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and 
Techniques, Vol. MTT-19, No2,Feb 1971,pg 153-170]
describes how sounds and physical effects can be induced
upon people (even deaf) using EM fields at safe power
levels.  It was suggested that the neurons are being
stimulated directly (i.e. tooth fillings, electric
stimulation of the skin or induced skin vibrations were
ruled out).  The auditory effect was pinpointed to the
temporal lobe which happens to be were the hearing 
neurons are located.  Of course, the article is rather
old, so I will have to look up more recent references
to this phenomena, but has anyone in this group heard of 
recent work on the subject?  Obviously, if you really can
directly stimulate neurons/neuron groups this way, you
may be able to simplify the various virtual reality
interfaces (assuming good RF pointing, detailed brain
map, understanding of needed RF coding/modulation).

The author of that 1971 article was Allan H. Frey.