[sci.virtual-worlds] NYC VR event January 20

hlr@uunet.UU.NET (Howard Rheingold) (01/01/91)

This is from a press release that I didn't write. But I will be

Future Fest

An Exploration of Consciousness-Expansion, Creativity, and Communication

Wetlands Preserve nightclub announces a special event to be held Sunday
Jan. 20, 1991 from noon to midnight, meant to offer participants hands-on
experience with the perception-expanding technology of tomorrow.
An impressive array of mind machines and next wave computer displays
will be on hand as part of this experiential program, including the
amazing VIRTUAL REALITY, the most advanced system in existence for
projecting the user into a totally computer-generated alternate realm.

Whole Earth Review editor Howard Rheingold, our host for this futuristic
day, will help provide a context in which to explore the fasinating
boundaries of consciousness-expansion, creativity, and communication.
Hist talks at 3:00pm and 8:00 pm will provide an overview of the realm
of "cyberspace", as virtual reality is also called, and an up-to-date
explanation of just how the computer can be used to simulate a reality
which can be manipulated by the imaginative viewer. Mind-boggling
videos, like "Cyberpunk", will provide a fascinating and colorful
visual background and will illuminate further aspects of the informational
revolution through animation, music and interviews with the likes of
Timothy Leary and others.

Among the participating interactive computer displays and mind machines:

Sense8 WorldToolKit - State-of-the-Art Virtual Reality Display.

Mandala Virtual World System, presented by Vincent John Vincent

Mind machines:
The Synchroenergizer
The IM-1
The MindsEye Plus and Courier

"Virtual Community" demonstrations with ECHO and the WELL computer
conferencing hookups. 3-D holographics sound as developed by the Human
Factors Lab at NASA, the Scoremaster interactive computerized music cataloging s
ystem, computer art performances, and much more.

1) Larry Loch or Russ Weis at Wetlands
   161 Hudson St. NYC 10010 (212) 966-4225 / (212) 966-5244
2) John Dwork (co-producer) (413) 584-6317

Press Contact:
Ren Grevatt Associates (212) 582-0252

sdl@linus.mitre.org (Steven D. Litvinchouk) (01/03/91)

In article <13628@milton.u.washington.edu> decwrl!well.sf.ca.us!well!hlr@uunet.U
U.NET (Howard Rheingold) writes:

> Future Fest
> An Exploration of Consciousness-Expansion, Creativity, and Communication
> Mind machines:
> The Synchroenergizer
> The IM-1
> The MindsEye Plus and Courier

For those of us who may not be able to make it to Future Fest, could
someone enlighten us as to what "mind machines" are?  The name
"synchronenergizer" sounds like it attempts to resonate brain waves;
is this true?

Steven Litvintchouk
MITRE Corporation
Burlington Road
Bedford, MA  01730
ARPA:  sdl@mbunix.mitre.org
UUCP:  ...{att,decvax,genrad,necntc,ll-xn,philabs,utzoo}!linus!sdl
        "Where does he get those wonderful toys?"