cyberoid@milton.u.washington.edu (Robert Jacobson) (01/07/91)

I have received reports from Japanese colleagues that sci.virtual-worlds
is NOT being carried by the USENET nodes in Japan.  We are trying to
determine if this is a local problem or whether it originates somewhere
else in the Net.  If you are a participant from Asia, including Japan,
please send me a private email indicating that you are receiving this
message.  (This also includes subscribers from Hawaii, Australia, N.Z.,
and other parts of Oceania, so that we can pin down the recalcitrant
gateway.)  Thank you very much for your help.

For the information of other participants, we have connections
throughout North America, Europe, and Australia/N.Z.  It would be
useful to have our current European participants solicit others, to
intensify input from Europe.  (There is no net to Eastern Europe
yet; hopefully, that will change.)  Also, I would be delighted to
learn of participants from Latin America.  If anyone has interested
colleagues there, please let them know of sci.virtual-worlds!

Adieu, and Happy New Year to all.  May peace and prosperity be its
eventual reward.

Bob Jacobson