[sci.virtual-worlds] International Stereoscopy Union.

cyberoid@milton.u.washington.edu (Robert Jacobson) (01/04/91)

Howard Rheingold (hlr@well.sf.ca.us) was kind enough to post the
following communique sent to him at The WELL.  It regards an association
dedicated to all things 3-D.  Very fascinating...and worth looking into.


 From: Judy Fentress <apple!skyway.enet.dec.com!fentress>
 Subject: What is Stereoscopy?
 To: 3d@bfmny0.BFM.COM (Stereo Photography)
 Reply-To: apple!bfmny0.BFM.COM!3d

 My name is Judy, I am the secretary of the International Stereo-
 scopic Union, which publishes the "STEREOSCOPY" bulletin 4 times
 a year.

 Ok, what is the ISU?  We are the only International 3-D club in
 the world.  We have 680 members of which some are individuals,
 other clubs and professionals.  The yearly dues to the ISU are
 US$ 18.00, payable by check to:

 Mr. Paul Milligan - ISU Country Representative - USA
 508 La Cima Circle
 Gallup, NM 87301

 I assume you are in America.  If not, please get back to me and I
 will tell you the country rep. you should send your money to.

 The headquarters for the ISU is Bern, Switzerland - that is me.
 The president is in France, the Vice Pres in England and the
 Editor in Australia.

 The ISU also holds a 3-D Congress every 2 years in a different
 country, the next one will be Sept. 25-29 in Paris France.

 Do you need the "STEREOSCOPY" ?  If you are into 3-D in any way I
 would say you most definitely need Stereoscopy.  It is one of the
 best publications today on 3-D and to get it you only need to
 join the ISU.  Since we are an International club, we are able to
 publish news about what is going on around the world in 3-D.  A
 good way to hear about new items and where to get special ar-
 ticles.  We always have a number of articles on various subjects
 such as building your own viewer, computer drawings, Internation-
 al competitions, new cameras and many many other subjects all on
 3-D.  If you join the ISU before the end of December 1990, you
 will receive the special Christmas Issue of "Stereoscopy" free.

 If you wish to contact me directly, my EMail address is:

 Glad to have you on-line!
 Judy Fentress

 3D -- Stereo Photography                  Tom Neff, moderator

 To contribute, mail to ...... 3d@bfmny0.BFM.COM
 To join or leave, mail to ... 3d-request@bfmny0.BFM.COM

 Please include a Subject, and keep line lengths under 80 characters.

cyberoid@milton.u.washington.edu (Robert Jacobson) (01/10/91)

A message from Judy Fentress, ISU Secretary:

The ISU is the only International 3-D club in the world.  We have
680 members of which some are individuals, other clubs and profe-
ssionals.  The yearly dues to the ISU are US$ 18.00, payable by
check to:

Mr. Paul Milligan - ISU Country Representative - USA
508 La Cima Circle
Gallup, NM 87301

Please advise Mr. Milligan what your 3-D interests are and what
type of equipment you are using, as well as your telephone number.

I assume you are in America.  If not, please get back to me and I
will tell you the country rep. you should send your money to.

The ISU publishes a 3-D bulletin "STEREOSCOPY" 4 times a year. 
The next issue will go out end of Feb. for March 1.  Join now to
be sure you get in on the 1st issue of the year.  It is one of
the best publications today on 3-D. 

The headquarters for the ISU is Bern, Switzerland - that is me. 
Judy Fentress - Secretary

The ISU also holds a 3-D Congress every 2 years in a different
country, the next one will be Sept. 25-29 in Paris France.

Judy Fentress
ISU Secretary
(as of 12.Jan.91 = fentress%flyway.enet.dec.com)