[sci.virtual-worlds] Work Suggestions for a VR hopeful

wjbaird@dahlia.uwaterloo.ca (Warren Baird) (01/14/91)

I'm a Computer Science student at the University of Waterloo, in a
cooperative education program.  In the next few weeks, I'll be going
through an interview process to determine the job I'll have during my
next two work terms.  I am interested in possibly pursuing a career in
or related to Virtual Realities.  I expect that there will not be any
jobs directly related to VR, and so my question is this:  What
types/styles of jobs would provide useful experience for a career in

Please reply via email.  I can post a summary if anyone is


         Warren Baird, 2A Co-op Math Computer Science, U(Waterloo)
 wjbaird@dahlia.uwaterloo.ca ...utzoo!watmath.uwaterloo.edu!dahlia!wjbaird
            An elephant is a mouse with an operating system.