[sci.virtual-worlds] Plea for help

jet@karazm.math.uh.edu ("J. Eric Townsend") (01/19/91)

In article <iwL3u2w163w@tz.wimsey.bc.ca> bigdaved@tz.wimsey.bc.ca (Big Dave Diod
e) writes:
>I represent a team of undergrad engineering physicists who are currently at
>work building a cheap demonstration of artificial reality.  We plan to use
>a fast 80386 based micro running MS-DOS, a Mattel Powerglove, and a pair of
>Sega LC shutter glasses.  Unfortunately, we're having a difficult time getting
>parts and information, and any help anyone out there can provide would be
>much appreciated.

Why not get an Amiga with a 50Mhz 68030 and a set of Haitex LCD glasses?
They work together out of the box?  The PowerGlove is going to be a hack
no matter what CPU you use...  And the Amiga has a hardware blitter
that lets you run pre-computed screens at 30-60fps..

I don't understand this idea of using machines w/o hardware graphics
support for graphics...

J. Eric Townsend     Internet: jet@uh.edu    Bitnet: jet@UHOU
Systems Mangler - UH Dept. of Mathematics - (713) 749-2120
Motorola skates on Intel's head!

kdarling@hobbes.ncsu.edu (Kevin Darling) (01/19/91)

> And the Amiga has a hardware blitter
> that lets you run pre-computed screens at 30-60fps..

What kind of precomputed screens?  Do you mean previously created
delta animations?  Would those be useful in a changing VR display?

> I don't understand this idea of using machines w/o hardware
> graphics support for graphics...

And I don't understand the magical qualities people _always_ assign
to blitters :-).

Most amiga anims don't use it.  Still, a 68030 amiga would be a great
choice for low color res VR...  the cpu can often be faster than the
blitter for drawing. - kevin