[sci.virtual-worlds] Industry Symposium on Virtual Worlds Technology: REGISTER NOW!

cyberoid@milton.u.washington.edu (Robert Jacobson) (01/20/91)

For those who are planning on attending the HIT Lab's "Industry
Symposium on Virtual Worlds Technology," 21-22 February in Seattle,
PLEASE SEND IN YOUR REGISTRATION NOW.  We are getting more returns
to our invitations than we expected and we are deciding whether to
get a larger hall or practice triage.  We need to know about how
many to expect.  Help out by registering sooner rather than later!

If you haven't received an invitation but would like to consider
attending, please send me email or fax your request to the
number below. 

Bob Jacobson
Associate Director
Human Interface Technology Lab
206-543-5380 (fax) * 206-543-5075 (voice)

Moderator, sci.virtual-worlds