[sci.virtual-worlds] A message to all of the labs: please report on your activities.

cyberoid@milton.u.washington.edu (Robert Jacobson) (01/21/91)

We know from the Roll Call that there are literally dozens of
laboratories around the world working in one aspect or another
of virtual worlds.  Yet, only a few -- UNC, Oxford, HIT Lab,
Stanford, Alberta, and a couple others -- have been willing to
share their work with the rest of us.

I can understand if you're with a private firm and you think
you need to preserve security.  But it seems like a lot of this
is just inertia.  C'mon:  if you're not caught up in the heat 
of violent competition, take the time to tell us what you're up
to.  That's what this newsgroup was founded for, to build our
common repository of knowledge.  Thanks for participating.

Bob Jacobson