[sci.virtual-worlds] The Banff Centre

Vincent.Deveau@dbug.hobby.ie (Vincent Deveau) (01/22/91)

To: garry@cpsc.ucalgary.ca

RE: The Banff Centre
From: vincent.deveau@dbug.hobby.ie
Date: 22 Jan 91

(This message was originally sent via Fido-UUCP gateway on 17 Jan 91.  We
were unsure of reaching you by that route.  We now have a direct UUCP
link-up, making sci.virtual-worlds directly available to us.)

Dear Mr Beirne:

Through the kindness of the Computer Science Department of University College
Dublin, we have obtained a copy of the following item:

     Article 345 of sci.virtual-worlds:
     From: Garry Beirne
     Newsgroups: sci.virtual-worlds
     Subject: The Banff Centre -- Status Report
     Date: 8 Nov 90

 ... which was read here with great interest and excitement.

I am a producer with Afterimage Television in Dublin, Ireland - a company
whose primary focus is in the area of arts documentaries - and am currently
developing a programme for a British broadcaster on Irish new music composer
Roger Doyle, and his work with the Icontact Dance Theatre.

I have passed the above referenced item to Roger, who is quite anxious to
apply for participation in the Fall '91 Virtual Reality Project at the Banff

Roger Doyle is well known in Canada, as a composer and electronic musician,
having performed there on a number of occasions in recent years.  He is
perhaps Ireland's most innovative and eclectic composer, whose current work
with Icontact, premiered in last year's Dublin Theatre Festival, embodies a
new effort at the synthesis of music, dance and computer-generated imagery -
the first stage of their growth toward a VR environment.  It was in this
connection that I made enquiries on their behalf to the UCD Computer Science
Department, and an on-going cooperation between Icontact and UCD, as well as
the emergence of Ireland's first VR research group, is the result.

I will leave the introduction there for the moment, and ask you on his and
Icontact's behalf for details of the application process, and any supporting
materials you might require.

You will have noticed that my enthusiasm for Roger's work goes beyond our
current association, and I am happy to act in some small way to facilitate
that work.  I should also mention in passing my own personal interest in
Virtual Reality, and that I would be interested in exploring the possibility
of developing a documentary film from the conference, if this would be
appropriate.  I believe a home might be found for such a programme with a
British broadcaster, particularly if a UK or Irish participant were involved.
I hope you will let me know your reaction to this idea.

Looking forward to hearing from you, with thanks,
Vincent DeVeau                             : vincent.deveau@dbug.hobby.ie
Afterimage Film and Television             : FidoNet 2:253/151
28 Warren Street, Dublin 8, Ireland        : Voice +353 1 544567---
 * Origin: (Dublin Based Usenet Group, Ireland) dbug.hobby.ie (2:253/151)

Vincent Deveau - via FidoNet Node 2:253/151
INTERNET Vincent.Deveau@dbug.hobby.ie