[sci.virtual-worlds] VSP


An observation, virtuality which enhances physical sensation doesn't
have to simulate the world, and consequently does not have the massive 
information handling problem. This looks like a good interim step toward
full simulation. An easy example is a virtual watch which is a simple
digital readout within the visual field, possibly using a small projector
like the Private Eye product. Thireadily leads to a variety of "heads-s-up
display" like devices, such as a ticker tape or pager. I'm assuming some
sort of glasses, with LCD or projection LED. A virtual pager or virtual 
watch could plausibly evolve into a fax or interactive terminal, as we
improve several technoligies. Eventually, a man portable terminal which
is intimately integrated into one's physical senses could become a type
of artificial ESP (extra-sensory ..). In the phone-tag business environment
this is interesting, in a fire-fighting scenario or SWAT raid - this is 
notable, in a parent or baby-sitter watching kids scenario - this is use-
ful. Of course, the projection system could be mounted on the bill of a
ball cap, for those who don't want even sun glasses. 

I think VSP (virtual sense perception) is where we can capture the
publics' imagination!

[MODERATOR'S NOTE:  This Steve Tice is not the Steve Tice who manufacturers
The Flying Mouse 3D I/O device, and who is organizing SIGGRAPH's Virtual
Reality component for 1991.  This Steve Tice is in Texas. -- Bob Jacobson]