[sci.virtual-worlds] how many channels needed for a useful VR machine?

kwgst@unix.cis.pitt.edu (Filip Gieszczykiewicz) (01/24/91)

        Greetings. I wanted to ask this question of people who know
        what they are doing...

        How many _input_ channels are necessare for a simple VR system?
        That is, how many digital (on/off), how many 8-bit-resolution
        analog, how many 16-bit-resolution, how many serial ports, etc.

        For now, this can be considered a "theoretical" question.
        (Something people around here love :-)

        For, say, the typical IBM AT clone, the digital inputs can
        easily be accomodated with a parallel I/O chip. They typicly
        have 3 ports of 8 bits each. That's 24 bits. If one has 3 such
        chips, 72 inputs are attained. Notice that they may also serve
        as output controls. (Or one can add another card for 72 inputs
        and 72 outputs).

        Now, for the 8-bit-resolution analog channels. I recently used
        an 8-channel, 8-bit ADC chip in a design. With 4 of these chips,
        one can have 24 analog inputs. These can be used for slow
        speed, low accuracy data aquisition. These analog channels can be
        used for events such as pressure feedback, etc.

        Similar chips are available for the "opposite" function, DAC 
        (analog outputs). These could be used to control a device that
        _exerts_ (sp?) pressure. 

        As for the 16-bit ADC channels; they can be used for events that
        require the most precision. Can't think of one, but I'm sure
        they exist :-)

        The serial ports can be used with systems such as the (recently
        talked about) PowerGlove, the DataGlove, and other various
        systems that use a serial port to communicate with the host.

        I would like people to reply with the # of each that they think
        would be useful in a typical VR system. Be reasonable. Please
        comment on why you think each port(s) could be useful.


        # digital inputs
        # 8-bit ADC ports
        # 16-bit (or 12-bit for us poor peopl) ADC ports
        # serial ports


        Take care.

        P.S. I will archive all I receive and make it availiable.
        Please give me a week or 2 before sending the "Me too!!" :-)
If reply bounces, try "kwgst@pittvms"... no? try "fmgst@unix.cis.pitt.edu"
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