[sci.virtual-worlds] Adaptive interfaces

erich@cs.pdx.edu (Erich Stefan Boleyn) (01/22/91)

I get the impression that there is a lot of work (or at least the
intention thereof) being done using natural gesturing systems with
the dataglove and/or bodysuit.  There also seems to be many suggestions
(probably real work too, I don't know) about using adaptive systems
for interpretation like neural networks for instance.  I just saw an
article in a San Francisco paper (I forget where) stating that a lab
at the University of Toronto is using a dataglove-like interface to
enter phonemes (I think that's what they said) instead of sign language,
also mentioning that the goal is meant to be adaptive itself.

Now, since I'm not working for a VR lab right now (although I hope to
be sometime soon ;-), I don't know have any information about it, but
I'm very curious about adaptive interfaces, on the output end as well,
although I have little idea about how that would work.  (perhaps systems
that work with multiple senses input and output, coordinating)

I would greatly appreciate references to research, related material, etc.
at whatever level or detail that I can get my muggy mitts on ;-).  If there
is interest, I will post a summary (i.e. send e-mail).  If some labs would
be willing to pass on information that they don't want publicized, I would
be interested in that as well.


             "I haven't lost my mind; I know exactly where it is."
     / --  Erich Stefan Boleyn  -- \       --=> *Mad Genius wanna-be* <=--
    { Honorary Grad. Student (Math) }--> Internet E-mail: <erich@cs.pdx.edu>
     \  Portland State University  /  >%WARNING: INTERESTED AND EXCITABLE%<

gourdol@imag.imag.fr (Gourdol Arnaud) (01/24/91)

I can give you the references for the research subject you are talking
about :

Building Adaptative Interfaces with Neural Networks: the Glove-Talk Pilot Study
Sidney S. Fels
Technical Report CRG-TR-90-1
February 1990


BBB   /======================//==========================================/
  / Arnaud Gourdol.      // On the Netland :        Gourdol@imag.fr  /
 /                      // Via AppleLink : Gourdol@imag.fr@INTERNET /

weh@sei.cmu.edu (Bill Hefley) (01/25/91)

In article <15045@milton.u.washington.edu> gourdol@imag.imag.fr (Gourdol Arnaud)
>I can give you the references for the research subject you are talking
>about :
>Building Adaptative Interfaces with Neural Networks: the 
>Glove-Talk Pilot Study
>Sidney S. Fels
>Technical Report CRG-TR-90-1
>February 1990

You might also check the proceedings of the Interact'90 conference
(Published by Elsevier, 1990).  Sidney demonstrated their system at the
conference, and I believe has a paper in the proceedings. (I don't have my
copy here - it's at home).

Bill Hefley                             weh@sei.cmu.edu
Software Eningeering Institute