[sci.virtual-worlds] Lab Report from Cal Arts

schur@venera.isi.edu (Sean Schur) (01/28/91)

California Institute of the Arts
24700 McBean Parkway
Valencia, CA  91355

Attn: Sean Schur
Character Animation Department

We are developing virtual reality for a "low-end" platform. We are working with
Amiga 3000's (one for each eye), the Power Glove, and a helmet which we 
recently built. The helmet consists of two Citizen color LCD screens (with
lenses and headphones. We are redesigning for a less cumbersome helmet which
will also employ mirrors.

We have stirred an incredible amount of interest on campus. There are groups
of students working on programming, graphics and 3D audio. 

We are interested in conferences and discussions with other people with
similar interests.

Sean Schur                                      USENET: schur@isi.edu   
Assistant Director Amiga/Media Lab              Compuserve: 70731,1102  
Character Animation Department                  Plink: OSS259   
California Institute of the Arts