[sci.virtual-worlds] We Need A New Language: Part 3 of 3

thinman@uunet.UU.NET (01/30/91)

       This article explores my inspirations for a VR language

       Sources of inspiration: X

       The X Window System has demonstrated the incredible benefits
       of separating applications from computers with graphics
       hardware.  Its breadth of applications and range of hardware
       platforms show the power of this concept.  Unfortunately,
       all other aspects of its design are clumsy, making it
       difficult to hold X up as a shining example.  Happily, there
       are better ones.

       Source of inspiration: NeWS

       SUN's NeWS system uses PostScript which, like its
       inspiration, Forth, was designed for easy human and computer
       interpretation.  These factors and other design decisions
       doom it to full interpretation by a uni-processor
       interpreter.  Over the next 10 years the cost of parallel
       processing and RAM will continue to rocket downward.  The
       language should be very high-level, so that the remote
       hardware can compile downloaded software into directly
       executable form across the wide variety of platforms which
       exist or will soon.  It should be possible to translate a
       program into a fairly efficient binary for uniprocessor,
       multiprocessor, and custom hardware platforms.  A single 3D
       graphics program should run on on a PC or an SGI.  (However,
       it should make nicer pictures on the SGI.)  A program ported
       to a machine 1000 times faster should run at least 100 times

       Source of inspiration: Habitat

       The Habitat system is an interactive computer game using
       arcade-style graphics on a Commodore 64, connected by 300
       baud modem to  a national computer BBS.  It's communal: up
       to 6 people play in one cell and appear on each others'
       screens.  It's big: there are 20,000 cells, 15,000 paying
       subscribers, and several hundred people logged in on a
       normal evening.  All software in the game resides on the
       home terminal.  (The Japanese version uses a 386 PC with a
       built-in CD ROM loaded with graphics.)  Only high-level game
       control information goes over the slow, non-real-time data
       connection.  Habitat proves that networked graphics software
       can work, if the right information goes over the net.

       Sources of inspiration: BASIC

       With a language which is downloaded in source form, users
       are always in control of their environment.  Every time I 
       use a Mac, I want to throw it out the window, because
       I am only allowed to do what some programmer thought I
       should be able to.

       Sources of inspiration: Hierarchical display lists.

       The concept of hierarchical data representation used in
       PHIGS (and elsewhere) is powerful.  Inheritance of
       "properties" or "qualities" such as position, color,
       shading, specularity, etc. is a very natural structural
       technique.  The language should be based around hierarchical
       inheritance.  While strict hierarchical structure doesn't
       support some styles of data structure, it does most of the
       job that we need.  Other types of data structure, e.g.
       various types of graph, can be implemented by adding a
       construct that connects parts of the tree.

       Sources of inspiration: Functional Programming

       Standard procedural programming describes actions on data
       over time.  Under Functional Programming a program is a
       hierarchical tree of functions.  When the program is run,
       portions of the tree are evaluated and I/O occurs as a side
       effect of evaluating those portions.  A hierarchical
       graphical data list is like a Functional Program:
       evaluating the list creates an image as a side-effect.  It's
       natural to extend this concept to interaction:  every time
       the picture changes in response to user input, the "picture
       function" is evaluated again.  For virtual reality, the
       function may be evaluated 60 times a second, twice for
       stereo viewing.  More precisely, a VR program can choose to
       evaluate the graphics function based on successive values of
       a system clock which ticks every screen redraw.

       The language needs real-time specification.  With a high-
       level scene description language, you don't specify low-
       level control, but instead specify when different sub-
       programs will be run.  The system has algorithms for
       scheduling out the different tasks.  This is very Zen:
       instead of completely controlling the computer, you tell the
       computer "do what I mean" and it will do the best it can.
       Obviously, more sophisticated analysis becomes possible with
       a more abstract language.

       Almost all existing window systems include several inches of
       documentation and require the programmer to memorize large
       chunks of it; generally they are not accessible to unskilled
       programmers.  Non-programmers are only allowed to interact
       with the creations of skilled programers.  Using these
       systems is much like watching TV with a very powerful remote
       control: it's pleasant, but you don't get to shoot your own
       videos.  The language should consist of several layers of
       lightweight tools, each of which is fairly simple by itself,
       but create complex effects when combined.  (The UNIX
       "spell" program is, or was, an shining example of this.  It
       consisted of four simple programs, run in sequence.)  These
       off-the-shelf components, and a CASE system, should allow
       non-skilled programmers to write graphics software (as
       Logo does).

       The language needs network access.  Given that a program is
       read in by the system in an encoded source-level form, it is
       simple to extend the system so that sub-programs are sent
       across the net and executed by the receiver.  A MazeWar game
       would send out simple tree functions containing variables
       showing a player's position, orientation, and laser trigger
       status.  This opens up security problems: both in handling
       hostile attacks and buggy downloaded programs.  On the other
       hand, the system can start up with no program at all and
       download a world with the same mechanism it uses to
       communicate with other systems.  "Code as data" systems have
       the horrible problem that compilation becomes very
       complicated.  All compiled objects need "wrappers" that
       allow them to be linked in and out of the system, which is a
       noticeable overhead item.

       A language like the one outlined here can live and grow for
       the next ten years, serving the needs of 3D graphics and
       hypermedia during that time.  It will take a year to design
       the language and turn out a low-res, low-speed, portable,
       production-quality system for CISC and RISC desktop
       machines.  A simple authoring/playback system for these
       machines will serve to get the software in the hands of
       industry sponsors, third-party developers, and hackers, who
       will be the backbone of the effort.  After designing the
       basic display engine, the next phase is to design a user
       interface toolkit that explores the concepts of user
       interfaces which vary according to machine capability and
       personal taste.  After a lot of experimentation with a
       working system, it will be possible to codify a user
       interaction language similar in scope to the Macintosh UI

       I have a preliminary version of my language design, based on
       the functional programming/display list ideas outlined
       above.  I will post it in a week.  
       First the fuse, then the bomb :-)

Lance Norskog