[sci.virtual-worlds] 3d audio systems question

jack@nagel.cc.gatech.edu (02/01/91)

        We are doing some research on audio environments for blind users of
workstations and would like any information VR researchers might have
concerning this topic.  We are interested in 3-D audio systems that are
commercially available and any papers or research that relates to the use,
capabilities and limitations of 3-D audio interfaces.

        To start off, i'll mention a few of the systems that we are
aware of.  There is a system called a Convolvotron made by Crystal River
Engineering allows you to place up to 4 sound sources at different
positions in 3 space.  Roland also has a system that handles 3 different
sound sources.  And i vaguely remember a reference to a system being
used by Hughes Aircraft.

        If anyone has any information on these topics, i would greatly
appreciate some e-mail, no matter how vague the reference might be.  I
would be happy summarize on the net later.  Thanks.


Tom Rodriguez
Georgia Institute of Technology, Software Engineering Research Center
Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0280
internet: jack@dali.cc.gatech.edu
Tom Rodriguez            Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta Georgia, 30332
uucp: ...!{allegra,amd,hplabs,seismo,ut-ngp}!gatech!prism!gt4150b
ARPA: gt4150b@prism.gatech.edu
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