[sci.virtual-worlds] My concept of a virtual environment

keithley@apple.com (Craig Keithley) (02/02/91)

I've been reading the various postings about languages, and I'm not ready 
to decide for or against any one language (Lisp, C, C++, or something new).

I am interested in fine tuning my virtual environment object behavior 

What I'm envisioning is a virtual environment (a subset of a virtual 
world) that contains virtual objects.  Each virtual object will need a 
physical description.  Since not everyone will be able to draw a detailed 
image, the physical description will need to be layered.  This layering 
would describe progressively more complex details of the virtual objects. 

Conclusion #1.  Virtual objects will need a standardized description 
syntax.  Layering will provide the ability for first generation systems to 
draw the simple version of an object description.  My Macintosh IV would 
draw the most complex view.

Another issue is defining object behavior.  Some objects are rather quiet, 
a bookcase for example would probably not do much during the virtual day.  
Other objects would be rather active,  for example a wind up toy would 
bounce around, etc.

Conclusion #2.  Definition of object types.  To start with, some objects 
would be *static*, and the object file would only contain the object 
description.  Another object would be *dynamic*, with the object file 
would contain both the object description and some form of a script that 
describes object behavior.

I'd also want to be able to share my objects with other Virtual-World 

Conclusion #3.   A standardized object description syntax and object 
behavior syntax.  I view this level of standardization as very important.

Interaction of objects with each other and the virtual environment.  There 
needs to be a definition of how this occurs.  Right now, IUm focusing on 
the mechanism by which messages are sent from object to object and from 
object to the virtual environment engine.  For example, a clock object 
would need to send a message to the virtual engine to request the time.  
The virtual engine would reply with a time message to the virtual clock.  
(note: the virtual clock would be a *dynamic virtual object*)  Static 
object would not respond to messages.  When the *virtual-Me* presses the 
play button on a virtual VCR, IUd want the virtual VCR script to receive a 
message indicating where I pressed, and how hard.  When the virtual VCR 
starts to play the tape, IUd need it to send a message to the virtual 
environment to update the object description (the play light comes on).

Conclusion #4.  We need a standardized inter-object message syntax.  

A dynamic object might be doing something while *IUm* not looking at them. 
 Therefore, the dynamic object script must be capable of executing 
concurrently with other objects.  For example, I might be in my virtual 
kitchen when the VCR tape runs out.  The virtual VCR should stop, and send 
a message to the virtual engine to change the virtual VCR object 

Conclusion #5.  Objects scripts are multitasked.

Virtual environments will need to be networked to build up a virtual 
world.  For example, I donUt think your machine needs to contain all the 
objects in my virtual office.  If you visit my office however, youUll want 
to see them and interact with them.  My virtual engine will send your 
virtual engine the object description (so it can be displayed) but not the 
object script.  When you interact with it, your virtual engine will send 
an inter-object message to my virtual engine.  My engine will then send 
the message to my object.  My script will respond by sending an object 
description update message to my virtual engine, which will in turn send 
the object description update to your virtual engine.  If you pick up 
my virtual VCR and carry it out (Thief!!!!!), then my engine will have 
to send the object script.  Another scenario might be that I have too 
many object scripts to handle, and IUll pass them off to another processor 
in my deck.

Conclusion #6. Extend the inter-object & object-environment message syntax 
mechanism to work in both an interprocessor and interprocess hardware 
Your virtual environment (deck) might have a different CPU. 

Conclusion #7.  Object scripts should be passed around in a source code 
(ascii text?) format.  Whether you interpret them or compile them, I donUt 
care.  See conclusion #3


That about covers my concept of a virtual environment.   Its multi-tasking,
and supports interprocess and interprocessor communication. I have object
files that are sharable with your deck (even if it contains a different 
CPU).  I have a method of telling my objects what IUm doing to them.
I donUt need to create a single file containing all my objects and their
scripts.  Adding objects should be a matter of drawing them using a 
simple CAD program and writing the script.  I'd want to drop that VR 
*object* file (yes, I use a Mac) into my VR object folder and have the 
VR environment begin to use it.  You can also interact with my virtual
environment without needing my operating system or objects.

Comments anyone?

Craig Keithley, Apple Computer
[standard disclaimers apply!]
[special disclaimer: My work has nothing to do with this newsgroup]