[sci.virtual-worlds] VR system designs and use of Lisp

pezely@udel.edu (Cowboy Dan) (02/02/91)

Below is a brief description of a system which uses, among other things,
Lisp to make for a flexible design.

Some people may object to using Common Lisp for VR systems at all.  I am
not saying that this is the only way to do it; just give it a chance and
see if it works.  Yes, there are more issues raised, such as run-time
efficiency, but I think we should try to use existing languages before
creating new ones.

By creative use of data structures and object-oriented designs, you may
find that all the elements you desire can be incorporated into an existing

As I said before, I suggest using Lisp on top of another system platform.
This top-level is an interface to the system, a system which would probably
be written in some version of C.  Then, you off-load all of the variable
elements, such as i/o, to the top-level and make the system platform more
like an operating system.  And such designs look very much like the
distributed OS designs from Tanenbaum's group, Amobea, and from AT&T- Bell
Labs, Plan 9.  

As we (HITL and people at udel) develop more of our system and can release
more information, the reasons for using common lisp will be clearer.

This is, of course, not the only approach to VR, but it is a plausible one.

At this stage of the game, I think VR systems will be mostly used for
research and development of future systems.  Of course, it would be very
nice to have wide-spread VR and VR for the masses, but the realization of
that might take some time.

Some argue that we should be developing for today's low-end hardware;
others argue that we should develop for high-end and future hardware, thus
to alter one direction of hardware development.

For now, I personally plan on developing for the high-end, and once such a
system has been implemented, tested, basic applications developed, and
benchmarks established, then at that point, I will focus on VR for the

I don't know if this is right or wrong, but I feel that more work can be
accomplished with my talents and the resources made available to me by
taking this approach.

Comments?  (send flames via email and save bandwidth)