[sci.virtual-worlds] VR I/O device vendors

mike@ai.mew.mei.co.jp (R. Michael Taylor) (02/20/91)

In article <16706@milton.u.washington.edu> bcsaic!chrise@cs.washington.edu 
(Chris Esposito) writes:

   VR I/O Device Vendor list

You forgot...

Convolvotron (Allows you to spacialize sound in 3-D)
        Crystal River Engineering
        12350 Wards Ferry Road
        Groveland, California 95321

R. Michael Taylor        |mike@ai.mew.mei.co.jp
Matsushita Electric Works|
ISC                      |
1048, Kadoma, Kadoma-shi |
Osaka 571, JAPAN         |No cute little dittums, here.

[Moderator's Note:  Also in the same line of things, Focal Point,
by Gehring Research, Inc., 189 Madison Avenue, Toronto, Ontario
M5R 2S6 CANADA.  Telephone, 416-966-3139; fax, 416-963-9188.  A
less expensive 3D sound generator, runnable on a Mac II (but
also more limited than the Convolvatron, which costs about five
times as much).