[sci.virtual-worlds] Value of VR implementations

miron@cs.sfu.ca (02/20/91)

I think one of the most important criterions for evaluating VR is
networking.  If only one person can access the world at a time then
the value of the system is severely restricted.  Also, it is very
important for the VR system to be object oriented and to be able to
support run-time addition of new kinds of objects.  Therefore, it seems
that objective-C and Common Lisp are suitable for such systems.  Of course
better languages will be developed for this area.

        By Miron Cuperman <miron@cs.sfu.ca>

an.ar.chism \'an-<e>r-,kiz-<e>m, -,<a:>r-\ n (1642)
    1: a political theory holding all forms of governmental authority to
    be unnecessary and undesirable and advocating a society based on voluntary
    cooperation and free association of individuals and groups