[sci.virtual-worlds] Amsterdam Virtual - Cybersapce Conference CANCELLED

mukesh@syma.sussex.ac.uk (Mukesh Patel) (02/22/91)


                  European Cyberspace Congress
                       Amsterdam Virtual    

                        March 10-12, 1991

The above conference has been cancelled (for the time being) due to 
lack of adequate funding.  Sorry for this late notice of cancellation.

Amsterdam Virtual
Nieuwe Kerkstraat 67, 
1018 DZ Amsterdam,
The Netherlands.

Telephone: +31-20-203219 
Fax: +31-20-253280
Mukesh Patel
The University of Sussex, School of Cognitive and Computing Sciences,
Falmer, Brighton BN1 9QH, UK              Phone: +44 273 606755 x3074
JANET:mukesh@uk.ac.sussex.cogs              Fax: +44 273 678188
[Moderator's Note:  We learned of this cancellation many weeks ago, and
posted the news here.  However, for those who were not in sci.virtual-
worlds at that time, here's a sad reminder that Virtual Amsterdam is on
indefinite hold.                           -- Bob Jacobson]