[sci.virtual-worlds] Wish You Were Here: A Report from the Symposium.

kannan@cerc.wvu.wvnet.edu (R. Kannan) (02/22/91)

Hello there

 I am one of the attendees of the VR/VW Symposium. 

Using an antique technology or the technology of the 80s ( telnet )
I logged into our lab computers. 

But as it was pointed out a presence that merely allows text streams to 
go in an d out is very limiting. We need something along the lines
that your lab  is pursuing.

I am happy to be here at U of Washington and thank all
of you for organizing this.

I feel like I have witnessed technology birth. 

However I or rather our organization must be more than a witness.
Must participate very much intimately in VR/VW.

At CERC we are promoting multi-functional engineering or business
activities to promote and make US industries gloablly competetive.

To use an interface technology like yours truely will deliver more
power to our systems

I would like to know how we could do this.

I will report to my director to the same effect.

This mail was exercise the benefits of VIRTUAL WORLD or TELEPRESENCE
concepts in day to day life....
