[sci.virtual-worlds] W Industries in the Daily Telegraph

harry@harlqn.co.uk (Harry Fearnhamm) (02/23/91)

As of Saturday 16th February (sorry it's late).  A full page article
appeared in the Weekend Supplement of the Daily Telegraph newspaper.
For those who don't know, DT is a well established conservative
newspaper, so a report here is fairly mainstream.  Entitled `Dawn of
Another World', the article contained an interview with Dr Jon
Waldern, MD of W Industries.  There is the usual sort of general
introduction into VR, but it does mention that he has recently come
back from Monaco after impressing several European arcade owners, and
that he has taken a #85,000 order from an unspecified Japanese
company.  There is also a little bit of in-fighting concerning Waldern
and Bob Stone, from Advanced Robotics Research Ltd in Lancashire
(England), who contends that the entertainment applications of VR are
bad for progress, on the grounds that more `serious' endeavours are
being starved of resources by the more `exciting' entertainment
developers like Waldern (sound familiar?).  The profile of Waldern is
odd if at all representative - a strict suit who takes his children to
MacDonalds of a Saturday because it has `a degree of corporate

Also, ARRL have brought out the Teletact glove, a data glove with
touch feedback, and are working on force feedback.

Incidentally, can anyone tell me how much `Virtual World News' costs
to subscribe to?  Is it a company only thing (ie, expensive).

   Harry Fearnhamm, ,---.'\   EMAIL: loki@harlqn.co.uk
    Harlequin Ltd, (, /@ )/          ...!ukc!cam-cl!harlqn!loki
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