[sci.virtual-worlds] Industry Symposium: Proceedings

sarah@athena.cs.uga.edu (Sarah J. Robbins) (02/24/91)

        My name is Sarah Robbins and I am doing some research for a graduate
class on virtual reality.  I saw an article about the Industry Symposium on
virtual reality that you posted in early February.  Unfortunately, I was unable
to attend this conference.  I know that the Proceedings for this conference
are not available yet, but I would like to know if there have been any recent
conferences on VR that may have published such Proceedings.  And, if so, if
you knew of an address that I might use to request a copy.  I would very much
appreciate any help you could give me.  Thanking you in advance...

                                Sarah Robbins

[MODERATOR'S NOTE: Thanks, Sarah, for inquiring about the Industry Symposium
on Virtual Worlds Technology. (One thing we detected at this meeting of
industry advocates, by the way, is that "virtual reality" gives people the
fits and is difficult to sell back at corporate HQ -- so if you're looking
for industrial support for your work, think about calling it something else,
as we did.)

[The Industry Symposium exceeded our expectations. Over 250 individuals
attended, representing about 100 firms and agencies. The general consensus
at the conclusion of the Symposium was that it was a big success and that
things would now start to happen. Of course, "things" have been happening
all along...but for the first time, lots of people with available resources
found out what the possibilities are.

[We are preparing a videotape documentary on the Symposium, built around
two video pieces created for the HIT Lab by US WEST Communications; and a
disk to accompany it containing slides and other materials scanned in Mac
format. When these are available (and when we know the price), I will
make this information known here, on sci.virtual-worlds. 

[Thanks to all who attended and to all who sent their best wishes for the
Symposium's success. -- Bob Jacobson]