[sci.virtual-worlds] Announcing new CSCW Journal.

cyberoid@milton.u.washington.edu (Robert Jacobson) (02/27/91)

I have been asked to post the following notice by Professor Charles
Grantham, who is, in addition to being an editor of this new journal,
is also on the organizing committee of the Second Cyberspace
Conference to be held in Santa Cruz, in April.

The editors are interested in receiving reports and papers dealing
the impact of virtual worlds and televirtual technology on
computer supported cooperative work.


The international Journal will be an interdisciplinary forum
for the presentation of the latest theoretical and empirical
work in CSCW; for the discussion, critique, and development
of underlying concepts and methodology; and for exchange of
ideas, difficulties, and dilemmas in technological support for
cooperative working. Contributions from a wide range of
disciplines and perspectives will be encouraged, provided
they make a clear contribution to the development of the
CSCW field. The new Journal will be edited by an international
collective.  An Advisory Editorial Board will assist in the
general development of the Journal.

Further information on the Journal is available from

Simon Ross,  Kluwer Publications Ltd,
Dordrecht,  The Netherlands.

or from the Center for Innovation and Cooperative
Technology, address below.

Liam Bannon
John Bowers
Charles Grantham
Mike Robinson
Kjeld Schmidt
Susan Leigh Star
Center for Innovation and Cooperative Technology
University of Amsterdam
Grote Bickersstraat 72  1013 KS  Amsterdam,
The Netherlands