[sci.virtual-worlds] Ratings: sci.virtual-worlds among the newsgroups.

cyberoid@milton.u.washington.edu (Robert Jacobson) (03/05/91)

Mark de Loura thoughtfully posted the following memo regarding USENET
readership for Feb 91.  Although sci.virtual-worlds cannot hope to
compete with alt.sex for popularity, it is refreshing to see so many
accesses and to learn that we far exceed readership of the Czech
conference.  Here's to us, with hopes that we will one day reach the
heights of USENET stardom...

Article 602 of news.lists:
From: reid@decwrl.DEC.COM (Brian Reid)
Subject: USENET Readership report for Feb 91
Date: 3 Mar 91 14:26:17 GMT
Organization: DEC Western Research Laboratory

This is the full set of data from the USENET readership report for Feb 91.
Explanations of the figures are in a companion posting.

        +-- Estimated total number of people who read the group, worldwide.
        |     +-- Actual number of readers in sampled population
        |     |     +-- Propagation: how many sites receive this group at all
        |     |     |      +-- Recent traffic (messages per month)
        |     |     |      |      +-- Recent traffic (kilobytes per month)
        |     |     |      |      |      +-- Crossposting percentage
        |     |     |      |      |      |    +-- Cost ratio: $US/month/reader
        |     |     |      |      |      |    |      +-- Share: % of newsrders
        |     |     |      |      |      |    |      |   who read this group.
        V     V     V      V      V      V    V      V
  1 170000  3704   76%  2169  4572.5    11%  0.04  12.1%  alt.sex
  2 170000  3621   90%    97   299.6     0%  0.00  11.8%  rec.humor.funny
  3 150000  3299   92%   397   902.3    10%  0.01  10.8%  misc.jobs.offered
  4 130000  2885   90%  1032  1230.8    36%  0.02   9.4%  misc.forsale
  5 120000  2612   92%    31   176.5     3%  0.00   8.5%  news.announce.conferen
  6 120000  2604   88%  1693  3235.3     9%  0.04   8.5%  rec.humor
  7 100000  2267   91%   516   978.3    16%  0.02   7.4%  comp.graphics
  8 100000  2249   93%   799  1456.8    11%  0.02   7.4%  news.groups
  9 100000  2219   81%    20   337.5     0%  0.00   7.3%  rec.arts.erotica
 10  98000  2140   93%  1008  1867.6    11%  0.03   7.0%  comp.lang.c


340  24000   518   80%    94   182.4     0%  0.01   1.7%  sci.virtual-worlds


730   1300    29   13%    39    65.5     8%  0.01   0.1%  talk.bizarre.rabbit
731   1300    28   11%     1     1.0     0%  0.00   0.1%  comp.sys.amiga.datacom
732   1000    22   22%    34    95.1     6%  0.04   0.1%  trial.soc.culture.czec