[sci.virtual-worlds] More on Japanese Symposium on Artificial Reality and Tele-Existence.

cyberoid@milton.u.washington.edu (Robert Jacobson) (03/06/91)

The following was uploaded to The WELL by Adam Peake of the Institute
for Network Design, Tokyo, regarding the forthcoming Japanese symposium:

Topic  44:  VR Event Announcements
# 47: Adam Peake (peake)      Tue, Mar  5, '91  (01:06)      41 lines

 AND TELE-EXISTENCE.  Tokyo, July 9th & 10th, 1991.

 Tickets to the 2 day symposium will cost 60,000 yen.  For visitors
 from the U.S. they are offering a special package deal which they
 say costs $1500 from the west coast, $1,800 from East Coast -
 includes economy class round-trip ticket, 6 nights at the Hotel
 Pacific Meridian (quite a good hotel).  If the details I have are
 correct, I think the package is good value.

 I have not heard if they are calling for conference papers from
 speakers from abroad - they must be??

 Along with the symposium, they are planning to hold an
 "International Symposium on Artificial Reality and Tele-Existence
 Demonstration Corner" - sounds like a small expo type event.
 They are calling for participants with demonstrations in the
 following target areas;  1. artificial reality/virtual reality, 2.
 implementation of virtual space, 3. real time computer simulation,
 4. tele-existence/telepresence, 5. communication with realistic
 sensation, 6. intelligent CAD & IMS, 7. 3D visual and auditory
 display, 8. anthropomorphic intelligent robot, 9. tactile and force
 display, 10. artificial reality related research, publications, others.

 Cost of exhibition booth = 250,000 yen/unit, excluding
 consumption tax (3%).  Each unit consists of - back panel partition
 (width 2m x Height 2.7m - no details of booth depth), company's
 name board, exhibit stand x 1, chair x 1, plug (1kw), 2 symposium
 passes (worth 60,000 yen each),  2 workers passes.  Exhibiting
 company to pay electric charges.  I think the exhibit will be open
 to the general public.

 For more details on the travel/symposium package and exhibitor
 information contact: Mr. Kenichi Kaeriyama, General Projects
 Department, Nihon Keizai Shimbun, by fax only - # 81-3-3256-
 5746 or 81-3-3256-5749.

 BTW the yen dollar rate is about 130 to 135.