[sci.virtual-worlds] A Request from the Moderator: Laboratory Reports, Please.

cyberoid@milton.u.washington.edu (Robert Jacobson) (03/06/91)

Once again I adjure all established laboratories, particularly those
overseas or out of the news, to report their ongoing work, findings,
and products here.  These reports are ESSENTIAL to sci.virtual-worlds
remaining and growing in its role as a forum for the sharing of
information about our work and our field.  Silence on your part denies
our common objective of advancing the state of the art of virtual
worlds science, research, and development.  You can be informative
without revealing important secrets.  (You may be surprised to
discover, too, how few secrets there are in this world.)  Please try
to be as open and collegial as possible.  This newsgroup and our
community can only be as productive and worthwhile as your partici-
pation in them.

Bob Jacobson